‘In Love with Lents Free Market’ returns

Here’s what goes on at this unique outer East Portland where everything is without cost or obligation …

Folks “go shopping” – for free, at the “Fall in Love with Lents” Really Free Night Market held in Lents Town Center.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Friday evening, September 29, marked the return of the “Fall in Love with Lents” Really Free Night Market, held from 4 until 7 p.m. in Lents Town Center in the Lents Masonic Hall #156 parking lot on SE 92nd Avenue – next to the fire station.

The promises of the organizers, the East PDX Collective, were paid off in an special market featuring free stuff, live music, and performances.

Greeting the free market’s participants is East Portland Collective Executive Director Sabina Urdes.

“As in the past, tonight we’ve encouraged people to bring what they don’t want – if it’s in good condition, and usable – and take what they need or want, with no money exchanged,” explained East Portland Collective Executive Director Sabina Urdes.

“People are here from several organizations, and everything they’re giving away is free! This can be skills, products, or services,” Urdes told East Portland News.

Providing lively music for the attendees is the Sil Davis Band.

Enjoying a snack break, here’s the Schmidt family, visiting from their home in Milwaukie.

“The best thing that can come out of this is that more neighbors get to know each other, and network,” suggested Urdes.

“Here, people have a space to have fun but not spend money, Urdes emphasized. “And, hopefully, this evening inspires other communities to organize their own free markets. We’ve been very transparent about how we put this together to support other communities and community members, and doing ‘Really free markets’ like this.”

Telling people about their organization, which includes the Lents Tool Library, is Green Lents Executive Director Dasha Foerster.

“We really are here because of the generosity of our neighbors who allow us to hold this large market on their property – they make it possible to welcome all these people,” commended Urdes.

Entertaining into the night is the experimental music band, The End of the World.

Learn more about the East Portland Collective by visiting their official website: CLICK HERE.

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