Homeownership fair held in Lents Park

Find out more about the work that the African American Alliance for Homeownership does for all outer East Portland neighbors …

Under canopies, craft volunteers and partners greet guests in Lents Park at this summer’s “Homeownership Fair”.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

It was a warm, sunny afternoon on July 29 when the African American Alliance for Homeownership (AAAH) Home Fair returned to Lents Park.

Set up in the grassy area in the north end of the park, many affiliates and vendors of AAAH greeted guests who came both for enlightenment and entertainment.

Julian Stefoni and his Erotic City Prince Tribute Band presented faithful renditions of Prince’s music.

Volunteer Dustin Daniels spends a moment with the African American Alliance for Homeownership’s Executive Director Cheryl Roberts.

“We are outreaching to people, and trying to get the newcomers who have moved into outer East Portland to understand that what resources are here for them,” said AAAH Executive Director Cheryl Roberts.

“It’s also a community gathering, here in this wonderful park, where we hope some of the newcomers to our community will come to experience this with us,” Roberts told East Portland News.

Habitat for Humanity Portland Metro East home ownership coordinator Shelby Pierce speaks with a visitor.

AAAH works with more communities than just African-Americans, Roberts pointed out. “We serve everyone; but our focus is on African-Americans, because that community has the lowest home ownership rate in the nation,” she said. “Here at our fair, we hope to show people how to access our resources, and let them know that our organization is here for them.”

Volunteers from the Lents Neighborhood Association hang out “welcome” signs.

“What we do goes beyond helping people to purchase homes; we’re also here to help advocate for them and their needs, or tell how to transition from renting to homeownership – or even from homeownership to renting!” Roberts said.

“Not only that, we also want to help families to stay in their homes,” added Roberts.

Learn more about AAAH at their official website: CLICK HERE.

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