‘Historic Parkrose’ hosts ‘Summer Nights’ street fairs

Here’s an after-work activity that promises fun for the whole family …

NE 106th Avenue is closed to traffic, as the first “Historic Parkrose Summer Nights on Sandy” begins.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
After the work day is over, folks in the northern part of outer East Portland are invited to take in a monthly street festival called “Historic Parkrose: Summer Nights on Sandy”.

On the second Thursday each month, NE 106th Avenue is closed to traffic and community members join with the Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative’s staff for a street fair.

Historic Parkrose” District Manager Bridget Bayer ties off another balloon to decorate the street fair.

“One of our main goals is to make Historic Parkrose a destination location,” explained the NPI’s District Manager, Bridget Bayer.

“Parkrose is a community with well-lit, clean, and easy-to-maneuver thoroughfares that are identifiable,” Bayer told East Portland News. “Summer Nights on Sandy gives the opportunity for neighbors and surrounding residents to have a reason to come to our commercial corridor and support local merchants.”

Folks come to shop and browse vendors at the market.

During the inaugural event held on July 10, people took to the street and enjoyed live music from The Red Pepper Group, and great shopping with street vendors. Community groups like the Boys & Girls Club offered fun activities for kids.

Parkrose is a community of proud tradition and historical significance, Bayer said. “Throughout that past century Parkrose has gone through a multitude of changes. It has been the gateway to the Columbia River for Portland’s earliest settlers – and at the start of the motor-age, the introduction of the automobile made this stretch of Sandy Boulevard the hippest scene in Portland.

At Historic Parkrose “Summer Nights”, Dishing up Portland partners Azul Tellez and Emily MacGibeny serve vegan cornbread and “Hoppin’ John”, a dish of black-eyed peas and greens.

“But through all of these changes, one thing has remained the same: The dedication, pride, and strong foundation of the families and businesses that call Parkrose home,” Bayer added.

“We have eleven street vendors and two community information tables this evening,” Bayer observed. “We welcome more organizations and businesses to participate, especially food vendors!” [To sign up, contact her at bridget@historicparkrose.com]

Amiee Blevins of SweetHeart Bake Shop tempts visitors at the first edition of Summer Nights on Sandy.

On their music stage this evening on August 14:
5:00pm – DJ Lamar
6:00pm – Katelyn Convery
7:00pm – Liquid Blues

Food available for purchase includes El Taco Regio, Yeah Dawg hot dogs, Caribbean Cookpot, Oaxaca Super Tacos #2, SweetHeart Bake Shop, and Smile It’s Ice Cream.

Sponsors for the event are Neumann’s German Bakery, Parkrose Hardware, Signs Now NW, and Portland Development Commission. The “Street Squad” sponsors are Fivepoint Collective, Jason Zwick State Farm Insurance, American Sani-Can, and Paradise Productions.

Historic Parkrose Summer Nights on Sandy events are on NE 106th Avenue. For a landmark, it’s next to Neumann’s German Bakery at 10534 NE Sandy Boulevard.

The last of these second-Thursday-of-the-month events for this year are on August 14 and September 11 – and run from 5:00 until 9:00 p.m. each of these evenings.

For more information, see the Historic Parkrose website: CLICK HERE.

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