‘Greening Committee’ continues Springwater Trail restoration

You’ll be amazed to see how much success Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhood volunteers have had, restoring land near Johnson Creek. And, find out where you can pitch in to help the creek on March 3 …

Many volunteers make the job of planting 1,300 native trees and shrubs much easier — as these folks will attest, as they work along the Springwater Trail in the Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Laudably, hundreds of volunteers will turn out for the Johnson Creek Watershed Council’s (JCWC) annual “Watershed-Wide Event” coming up on Saturday, March 3rd.

But, helping to improve their native environment is a monthly activity for volunteers from the Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood Association’s (PGNA) Greening Committee.

On February 18, an energetic group of 26 volunteers were busily working away along the Springwater Trail, just east of SE 128th Avenue.

Volunteers Scott Tye and John Brandsberg pause, during their planting spree.

“We’re at one of the upper elevations of the Johnson Creek watershed,” explained Greening Committee Chair Dolores Wood, as she paused after carrying another container of plants to volunteers.

“When it rains, the blackberry and other invasive plant species don’t retain and ‘filter’ the water as well as native plants,” Wood said. “Putting in a buffer of native plants along Johnson Creek helps improve its water quality – and, it will look nice, too.”

Their goal was to plant more than a thousand native species “starts” and seedlings, including lots of Meadowsweet, Snowberry, Swamp Rose, and Thimbleberry plants, she said.

Organizer Dolores Wood thanks JCWC Outreach Coordinator Amy Lodholz for volunteering at the planting event.

“We’ve many volunteers from the neighborhood,” Wood commented. “And, we have many students from the International School in Milwaukie. We also have volunteers from the Johnson Creek Watershed Council.”

While her group will continue improving this section of Johnson Creek again on March 10, Wood said she also supports the Johnson Creek Watershed Council’s Watershed-Wide Event on March 3.

JCWC Outreach Coordinator Amy Lodholz, who was volunteering with Wood’s group, smiled and said, “We really value the support Dolores continues to give our organization as well. Hopefully, you’ll mention something about our event in your article.”

People who volunteer to help improve the ecology of their area agree that these events are a good way to make new friends, as well.

So – here we go, Amy!…

March 3 is the annual Johnson Creek Watershed-Wide Volunteer Restoration Event. Between 9:00 a.m. and noon, consider joining in!

“It’s our 14th annual clean-up; this year, it’s taking place at ten restoration sites,” Lodholz explained, “from Sellwood on out to Gresham. Make new friends, while participating in ecological stewardship, spring stream-cleaning, and community-building, at priority restoration sites.”

But, come dressed for the weather – that includes waterproof footwear! They’ll supply the tools and direction. Then, join your new friends for a free buffet luncheon after the work is done. Pre-registration is required. For more information, or to pre-register, CLICK HERE to visit their website, call (503) 652-7477, or email info@jcwc.org.

And, to learn more about the Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood Association, see their website: CLICK HERE.

© 2012 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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