Find out why folks came to the Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhood for this now-annual outer East Portland springtime tradition …
In the basement area of Zenger Farm, the now-annual Green Lents ‘Spring Garden Swap’ is underway.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Garden enthusiasts from across the greater Portland area came to Zenger Farm on March 6 to buy, sell, and trade plants and implements – at the annual Green Lents “Spring Garden Swap”.
“People have been bringing seeds and plant starts – including veggies, ornamentals, and indoor plants – to trade, as well as unused pots and containers,” said the organizer, Renata Frantum, a Green Lents volunteer, and Lents neighborhood resident.
As well as being the organizer, Green Lents volunteer Renata Frantum helps out during the “Spring Garden Swap”.
“Other people have brought gardening tools and implements; we’ve also had rocks and soil brought in here to swap and trade!” Frantum told East Portland News.
“And look, we even have llama poop for your compost, here this year,” she said with a smile.
These happy shoppers, Chalkley Bundy and Anna-lisa look over plants.
“The ‘Spring Garden Swap’ got started because I live in the Lents neighborhood, and I wanted to organize a community-building event for our neighbors. At the same time, I wanted invite those from all over Portland to come here to outer East Portland to celebrate the gardening season,” explained Frantum. “Another benefit is that, because we all have things in our garden sheds that go unused, it gives us a place to repurpose them by trading them with others who need them.”
Visitors circulate among the tables at this year’s “Spring Garden Swap”.
The volunteers at the Garden Swap were grateful for its sponsor, Portland Nursery, for donating plants, four raffle prizes, and being present to provide education for community members. “And, we also thank our friends here at Zenger Farm is for letting us be here in the space,” added Frantum.
Green Lents has several initiatives and programs. To learn more, see their official website: CLICK HERE.
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