It’s amazing to learn what chefs can do with ‘Green Eggs’; but they were only part of this tasty event’s success …
Hot, fresh food samples attract visitors to the Second Annual Taste of Parkrose.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
It all started out on the morning of June 13 with an athletic event, but the aroma of the food cooking drew folks to the Historic Parkrose Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative’s second annual Taste of Parkrose.
Vendor Donald Willey of WilBi Designs spends a moment with Historic Parkrose President Ken Poirier at the Taste of Parkrose.
“This morning, starting at 9:00 a.m., there were 54 participants who did a 5K or 10K run-and-walk through the Parkrose neighborhood,” remarked Historic Parkrose President Ken Poirier of Five Point Collective. “It looked as if everyone had a good time; and it was over before the temperature started rising today.”
The “run-and-walk” was a fundraiser for Parkrose High School Athletics, Poirier added.
Then, starting in late morning, the Taste of Parkrose street fair opened on NE 106th Avenue, just south of Sandy Boulevard.
The musical duo of Maggie Ropp and singer/songwriter Sophie Sky entertain.
Vlad Vasilchshin of Lux Flooring shows new tile designs. Not edible, but tasteful nonetheless.
This family-friendly outer East Portland event featured the Taste Pavilion, plus about 30 vendors, live entertainment, a “Community Tent” showcasing non-profit and neighborhood organizations, and activities for the kids.
“This year we’ve added an ‘Egg Festival’, presented by Parkrose Hardware,” Poirier told East Portland News. “They brought in a dozen ‘Big Green Egg’ kamado-style cookers that local cooks and chefs are using to provide food samples.”
Johnny Narruhn, with The Island Girl Mart & Deli, puts to use two “Big Green Eggs”.
Jack Lukins and Liz Cowan of Three Little Figs show off two of a variety of jams, and say they’re a very local vendor – their kitchen is located a quarter-block away from the Street Fair!
Historic Parkrose again hosted the street fair, Poirier said, to help “activate this area of Parkrose. It is neighbors and businesses a chance to intermingle and intermix and look forward to every year.
“And, it does increase the sense of community, and it shows so we have a lot going on in this area, as well as talented people who live and work here in Parkrose,” Poirier went on.
The attendees visited with the vendors and noshed on freshly-grilled and smoked snacks, and then stayed and enjoyed the live music.
Cooking up fresh Thai dishes are Seng Hin and Kelsey Chin.
“We hope it gives a sense of community that people can come down to NE Sandy Boulevard and enjoy what this area has to offer – far more than they can by just driving through it,” Poirier concluded.
Learn more about the activities of Historic Parkrose by visiting their website: CLICK HERE.
© 2015 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News