Good times abound, at Montavilla business ‘mixer’

Discover why folks at the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association really enjoyed this evening fete …

Welcoming guests with a “beverage coin” is Emily Amen of Cocoon Massage; and the giver of raffle tickets, Carmen Ripley Wilson of Beanstalk Children’s Resale.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Perhaps because the party was being hosted at the Stark Street Pizza Company, turnout was good on Thursday evening, January 30, for the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association (METBA) “Winter Mixer”.

Some 30 people, all interested in continuing the revitalization of the Montavilla business district, tucked into their choice of three giant family- sized pizza varieties, and a delicious mixed salad with choice of dressings. Several of the guests availed themselves of a beer, or glass of wine.

Talking with a guest at the organization’s first event of the year is METBA President Pete Dills.

“It’s good so see so many people here for our first ‘Montavilla Business Mixer’ of 2020,” smiled METBA President Pete Dills, from Therapeutic Associates East Portland Physical Therapy.

“It’s a networking affair both for people who are affiliated with member businesses, and for those interested in helping to promote our neighborhood business district,” Dills told East Portland News. “In addition, we’re encouraging folks to become involved with METBA – perhaps by joining the Board, or maybe signing up to participate in our activities.

Selecting her supper from the buffet is Lissete Pacheco, newly appointed to the board of Rahab’s Sisters.

“And, of course, it’s great for folks to connect with one another, as small business people, and to share business strategies, marketing ideas, and suggestions for working with employees,” Dills pointed out.

“It’s so good to see the great community connections among our businesses, and with those who care about our Montavilla community at gatherings like these, which is why we’ve done outreach to welcome those who operate home-based businesses, as well as brick-and-mortar shops,” observed Dills.

Providing insightful tarot readings for guests at the event is Kate Mura.

After finding success by hosting seasonal public mixers in 2019, Dills said they were looking forward to continuing to further develop their core events this year – providing even more opportunities for businesses to be part of METBA’s success.

That includes the return of the “Montavilla Street Fair” – by any measure, the most successful summertime public event in outer East Portland. “It’ll be bigger and better than ever; mark your calendar now! It’s the last Sunday in July,” Dills enthused.

Good food and lively conversation make METBA events, like this business mixer, a delightful evening.

Learn more about the Montavilla East Tabor Business Association by visiting their official website: CLICK HERE.

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