Goats consume brush for well-known outer East Portland merchant

Leave it to the folks at Classique Floors to find an eco-friendly to clear their back lot of weeds, brambles, and brush! See these hungry critters at work, and learn why the boss hired the herd …

When Classique Floors’ President, Judith Huck, calls the herd, they mosey over to greet us.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Mowing and weed-whacking brush isn’t easy after months of daily rain soaks the ground and foliage.

But, Judith Huck, President of Classique Floors, decided to try a vegetation clean-up method not often seen at commercial establishments on SE Stark Street.

“We decided to hire a herd of goats,” Huck told us, as she entreated some of the animals to pause their dining and come to the fence for a visit.

It’s clear that, even though the goats are just visitors, they’ve started to bond with Judith Huck at their temporary home behind Classique Floors.

Winter-like weather stalled their arrival, but they got there as the store’s back lot was starting to get really overgrown, Huck said. She’s really glad to see them hard at “work”, chewing away.

“Here goaty-goats,” Huck called. Soon, many of the dozen assorted goats, from pygmies to medium sized to big goats, some with big floppy ears, come over to be petted.

“I found out about a company called Goat Rental NW,” Huck told us, “and we have three-quarters of an acre to be cleared. Instead of hiring a crew to cut it down and haul the brush away, we decided to do this.”

The goats are happy with their diet, ranging from blackberry vines to ivy, poison oak, Scotch Broom, and unwanted shrubs.

“It’s a win-win; they get food, we get the fertilizer they leave behind, and we’re not using any chemicals. I think it’s a great way to do it. It’s pretty cool.”

But the big news at this local merchants is not just about what goats will eat.  The business itself has some news of its own…

Judith Huck shows some of the flooring materials that will be used in the new East County Courthouse being constructed in outer East Portland.

Company wins courthouse flooring contract
Inside the store, Huck confided that she and her crew are enthusiastically looking forward to working on the new East County Courthouse – a new three-story 40,000 square-foot building being constructed in the Rockwood area.

“This is a pretty big project both for Multnomah County and Classique Floors,” commented Huck. “We bid the job in October; and we expect to actually start later this year.”

Even though “The best little floor store in town” is well-known for its quality installation of countertops and all kinds of flooring, the recession has slowed business, Huck said. “This is our 34th year in business, and it has been one of the toughest.”

Through it all, Huck and her company continues to be involved in community service projects and the East Portland Chamber of Commerce – of which she was a founding board member.

In fact, on April 27, they’ll be hosting the East Portland Chamber of Commerce’s free “Good Morning East Portland” networking event, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. “Even if you’re not a member, you’re welcome as a guest,” Huck said.

Classique Floors is located at 14127 SE Stark Street; to learn more visit their website: CLICK HERE to open their homepage.

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