Discover what volunteers are doing to improve this hidden natural spot‚ located on the land apex between our two outer East Portland watersheds‚
Neighbor Mike Harrison and Cole Miller, a student volunteer from Parkrose Middle School, and his dad, Bob Miller, all spend the morning cleaning out invasive plants, and planting native greenery.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Although the weather was what one would expect from a typical winter morning on March 10, 14 volunteers converged on the naturally-wooded area west of the Glendoveer Golf Course in Hazelwood.
One of the volunteers was project coordinator Linda Robinson. “We’ve been clearing ivy for a couple of years. Now, we have enough open spaces to plant in among the shrubs and cedar trees. These are all native plants: Roses, thimbleberry and snowberry, and red-twig dogwood.”
Maintaining this area is important, Robinson said, because “this is one of the few wooded natural areas that remain in this part of the city. There is a lot of potential for natural habitat among these two acres of established fir trees. We’re trying to add some plant diversity. In doing so, we’re providing more shelter and food sources for the birds, and native rabbits and squirrels.”
Cynthia Palormo says she’s visiting from Los Angeles, and decided to help out. “I traveled all the way to Glendoveer to do some gardening work!” She’s giving a hand to new Hazelwood resident, Jim Caudell, who happens to be a Metro Park Ranger.
Top ‘o’ outer East Portland
We learned from Robinson that the woods in which we were standing is the “summit” of outer East Portland.
“We’re at the top of the watershed,” Robinson pointed out. “These trees soak up the rain so it doesn’t all run into the Columbia Slough to the north, or Johnson Creek to the south. By keeping the trees healthy and the ground covered, we’re keeping and using rainwater right here.”
Just then, the threatening skies opened and‚ it started to rain. “Look,” Robinson pointed out, “there are trilliums blooming.”
You can help
Come join in the “No Ivy Day” at Glendoveer Woods on May 5 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Go to 1260 NE 132 Ave., and park in the parking lot of St Therese Church. You’ll find them in the southeast corner of the parking lot between the buildings.
© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service