‘Fun on Foster’ provides festive afternoon faire

With activities from SE 50th to SE 92nd Avenue, see why this late summer event has grown more and more popular every year …

Jalene Braun, Lents Neighborhood Assn. secretary, event chair Nancy Chapin, and the chair of the neighborhood’s Safety Committee, Clint Lenard, at the 2009 Fun on Foster event.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Those who haven’t attended a “Fun on Foster” day may consider it surprising to use the terms “fun” and “Foster Road” together in a phrase.

But, along that storied street, from SE 50th Aveneu on out east to SE 92nd Avenue, SE Foster Road was the place to be on September 26.

“We’re really pleased with the participation we had this year,” said Nancy Chapin, President of the Foster Area Business Association (FABA). “There was music at several places along the way, lots of sales, an art walk, and a vendors’ fair at Laurelwood Park.”

Fun on Foster Photos

Josh Gerace helps his daughter, Tristin, take her first big slide on the giant bouncer located on SE 90th Avenue.

Portland Development Commission and other community service groups show proposed plans for development the neighborhood.

Painter Chris Haberman and rattle-can artist John Graeter, with Portland City Art, create graphics while people watch along Foster Road.

Laurelwood Park is turned into a vendor’s bazaar during the event.

Ali Lux, with Royal Family Promotions International showing off her line of colorful clothing.

Nicole Edner and Zayda Wadeh having some fun making artwork of their own.

The Fun on Foster Cruise-in, held in the Junior Achievement parking lot, attracted 39 cars, according to organizer Ted Finley.

Mike Mushkin shows off his silver, 1937 Ford hard-top convertible. “We’re enjoying the heck out of it,” he says.

Spinning up servings of candy floss in front of Guapo Comics & Coffee at 6350 SE Foster Road is Kathy Reay.

Christine Toth, with “Red Fred Art Collective” traces shadows of passers-by on the sidewalk. Can you guess whose shadow she’s just touching up?

Los Tikkilyches play soulful reggae music at The Village, SE 60th & Foster Road.

“The Fun on Foster committee thanks our sponsors,” Chapin added. “They include PDC/Lents Urban Renewal Area, Eastport Plaza, Unitus Community Credit Union, Foster Area Business Association, Green Energy Specialties, Inc., K-B Fortune Cookies & Noodles, The Support Group, and APNBA – the Alliance of Portland Neighborhood Business Associations.”

© 2009 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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