Firefighters rescue woman trapped in blazing Montavilla home

Learn how a police officer risked flames and smoke to effect a rescue before Portland Fire & Rescue crews arrived …

Firefighters arrive at a Montavilla residence, set far back from the street, and find a raging fire — and a resident reportedly trapped in the basement.*

By David F Ashton

A fire that broke out in a Montavilla home at 8317 SE Morrison Street, on Thursday, September 19, brought Portland Fire & Rescue (PF&R) crews at 10:56 a.m.

En route, an Engine Company reported to dispatchers seeing a large smoke column on the horizon, and requested a residential first alarm be assigned to the incident.

Dark smoke pours from this attic vent as the structure burns.

A Portland Police Bureau Motorcycle Officer also saw the smoke column independently, and drove to the burning house before PF&R crews arrived. An elderly occupant on the sidewalk told the officer that someone still inside the structure.

The officer unhesitatingly entered the front door, but was turned back due to the high heat and volume of smoke belching out of the burning structure. Firefighters later commended the officer for his heroism in making the effort.

PF&R Firefighter / Paramedics provide immediate first aid to the trapped victim rescued from the house.

Arriving firefighters learned that a person, trapped in a basement bathroom with a dog, had called the 9-1-1 Center asking for help. As crews made a plan to rescue the individual, the Battalion Chief called for a second alarm, bringing more personnel to support the rescue effort.

A firefighter did find the trapped victim in the basement, obtained an additional air canister and mask, then guided the trapped resident – holding a small dog – out of a bathroom, up the basement stairs, and out to safety.

Crews cut open the garage door to access the fire inside the house …

and inside, find an apartment and items that hinder their access.

During the rescue, the fire continued to grow. Some crew members cut open the garage door, and found an “alternative living space” inside that slowed them down in getting into the house. They pulled water hose lines into the front door, and also around the back of the house – as well as straight in through the garage.

It took about ten minutes for firefighters, attacking the blaze from all angles, to get the fire under control. Crews stayed on scene for an extended period of time, making sure the fire had been completely extinguished.

The rescued occupant was evaluated by PFR paramedics before being taken to a local hospital – along with another occupant who had managed to get out before firefighters arrived – both to receive a higher level of medical evaluation and treatment.

Just inside the front door, the damage caused by this fire was clearly visible.

Six occupants were displaced from this rental home, and the local American Red Cross chapter arrived to assist in their relocation. There were no injuries reported to any occupant or firefighter; but eportedly a pet cat did not survive the incident.

The fire is still under investigation.

* All photos courtesy of Portland Fire & Rescue

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