‘Family Friday Concerts’ again featured at Music Center

See where to take your young kids to introduce them to music, performed live at their January, 2013 concert – where there’s ‘no shushing’ allowed …

CMC board member Carolyn Landsverk and her son – a former musical student, Joe Landsverk – scoop up fresh popcorn for guests during a Family Friday Concert.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Again this year, East Portland’s Community Music Center (CMC) is presenting their “Family Friday Concert” series of concerts.

Unlike many other live music venues, these concerts feature popular local musicians in an informal setting, appropriate for audiences of any age.

Volunteers and CMC board members Kyong Porreco, Nadia Chandler, and Josiah Chandler are ready to welcome guests, take donations, and sell refreshments, at a Family Friday Concert.

Performing as “Whistlin’ Rufus” – Zachary Banks, Patrick Connell, Natasha O’Neal, Pat Connell, and Richie Wernick play  “infectious melodies, lively bluegrass, soulful ballads, and joyous Irish pub tunes”.

“Sometimes, these concerts provide the first occasion for children to see and hear instruments such as cellos and violins played,” explained CMC board member Carolyn Landsverk.

“Some of our children here tonight are very young,” Landsverk continued. “We want to be a lot of fun for them. So, at these concerts, we say it’s a ‘no hushing zone’.”

Landsverk said that she is part of a committee of four volunteers who book the musical acts each season. “Groups are contacting us, because they’ve heard that this is such a fun venue to play.”

Kids naturally get up and dance when they hear the lively tunes played in concert by “Whistlin’ Rufus”.

The concerts, held on varying Friday evenings, depending on the month, are free – although donations are encouraged, to support CMC programs.

Their next concert, on January 25, will feature musical guests are Classical Revolution PDX – so mark your calendar now!

Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the concert begins at 7:15. Seating is limited, so arrive early enough to avoid disappointment. It’s at the Community Music Center, 3350 SE Francis Street. For more information, call (503) 823-5300, or CLICK HERE to visit their website.

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