‘Deputy-tipping day’ aids Special Olympics

No, this isn’t about upending Multnomah County Sheriffs Office staff! Take a look at how the Mall 205 Red Robin Restaurant helped deputies raise funds for a very special charity …

At the entrance of this outer East Portland Red Robin, Multnomah County Sheriffs Office Deputy Jason Tyrus gives diners a big welcome.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Again this fall, Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) deputies and command staff became “celebrity waiters” and hosts, at the Mall 205 Red Robin Restaurant.

This “Tip-a-Cop” fundraiser is one way MSCO folks raise funds for one of their favorite charities, Special Olympics Oregon, said their Public Information Officer, Lt. Steven Alexander.

MSCO Lt. Steven Alexander and Red Robin kitchen manager Carlos Pineda take a brief break during their day together at the Red Robin Mall 205.

“We’re here with our great partner, Red Robin – we’ve worked with them for several years to raise funds for Special Olympics,” Alexander smiled. “The funds we raise help special athletes compete in events, and provide year-around activities and competitions.”

The MCSO staff volunteered their off-duty time on October 13, Alexander said, to serve restaurant patrons by hosting, busing tables, and serving beverages and meals.

“We love doing this event,” Alexander commented. “We like being part of the community and interacting with the community.”

Patrons Chris Tokonitz and Alex Tokonitz are served their beverages – not a summons! – by MCSO Deputy Mark Inman.

The “county cops” don’t “steal” the server’s tips, Alexander told East Portland News. “We just put envelopes on the tables that explain what we’re doing. Then, many customers put in a donation to Special Olympics Oregon, and give it to one of uniformed deputies.”

And, Red Robin kitchen manager Carlos Pineda said they enjoy hosting the event. “It’s a good opportunity for us to get a little more involved with the community. We like working with the sheriff’s department.

“We encourage people to share their generosity with the sheriff’s deputies as they support Special Olympics,” Pineda said.

Red Robin customer Gwen Riggleman gets her burger meal securely delivered by MCSO Deputy Josh Atkins.

You can find out more, or donate to Special Olympics Oregon, by visiting their website: CLICK HERE.

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