WATCH EXCLUSIVE VIDEO, HERE! Congratulations to Princess Awek De Piok, who will represent Scot Spirit at the 2022 Portland Rose Festival …
Starting the selection ceremony, the 2022 Portland Rose Festival David Douglas High School Princess candidates come to the stage.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Last year, David Douglas High School (DDHS) was one of the very few schools to hold a live, in-person announcement of their Portland Rose Festival Princess – albeit with a very small ceremony in the Horner Performing Arts Center Theater, instead of in the gymnasium where 4,000 cheering students could attend.
Due to continuing COVID-19 coronavirus concerns, this year’s announcement, held on March 11, was again a staff-and-family only event in the theater. However, it was live-streamed online by a student video production crew for the whole student body and all their families to see.
Co-presenters DDHS senior and Student Council member Taj O’Malley, and Associated Student Body President Aspen Pierce, moderate the program.
“Each of our candidates are wonderful young ladies,” remarked DDHS Principal Greg Carradine before the program began.
“Each of them has a strong work ethic, and demonstrates Scot Pride in so many different ways,” Carradine told East Portland News. “These young ladies have participated in multiple events and organizations while in school here; and they have been leaders in our hallways – especially important during our transition back into a more normal school year.”
Amy Johnson, 1996 David Douglas High Rose Festival Princess and Portland Rose Festival Director, tells about this year’s planned events.
DDHS Princess candidates Than Truc Nhan, Awek De Piok, and Sophia Day listen as Portland Rose Festival Association officials and staff are introduced.
Presenting a gift to each DDHS Court Candidate is Unitus Community Credit Union Rose Festival Princess Mentor Edina Rizvic.
Stepping up to the podium, last year’s DDHS Portland Rose Festival Princess Jennifer Dinh said, “I was your Rose Festival Princess during the pandemic.
“Ours was a very different experience than our previous Rose Festival Princesses,” Princess Jennifer continued. “During my time with the Portland Rose Festival, I met many new people, and I’m so grateful for so many who helped me along the way.”
Telling of her experiences here’s 2021 Portland Rose Festival DDHS Princess Jennifer Dinh.
“To our next Princess, I want to tell you that overall, it will feel like a very short time you’ll spend with the other Princesses, but you’ll learn so much, and it will be so much worth your efforts!”
With that, she revealed the Court member selected to serve be the David Douglas High School 2022 Rose Festival Princess: Awek De Piok.
Last year’s DDHS Portland Rose Festival Princess Jennifer Dinh places the tiara on the head of her successor, Princess Awek De Piok.
After the photo session, Princess Awek spoke with East Portland News. “Indeed, I’m proud to be the first Black girl who will have her picture on the wall in the hallway, with the other David Douglas High Princesses. It will be an example for younger people coming after me to see that a small Black girl can do a big thing one day.
“It’s important to me to represent Scot Spirit because we are a very diverse school,” Princess Awek reflected. “I want to represent the school with character; with the way I hold myself, and the way I speak. I believe I can make a big impact by being an example to the greater community [to show] that anyone can do it.
“I’m proud of being the first Black girl to have her picture to go on the wall along the hallway here at the high school; and, I thank you all for everything,” exclaims Princess Awek De Piok.
“And, I’m looking forward to the connections I will make. I’m very excited to be assisted by my Unitas Community Credit Union Mentor, as well as by the other girls from the other schools. There is a lot for me to look forward to!”
See Princess Awek announced as the David Douglas High representative to the 2022 Portland Rose Festival in this video:
Princess Awek was raised in outer East Portland and attended several schools, she said, including North Powellhurst, Portland Christian, and Gilbert Heights Elementary School. Her middle school and some high school took place for her at City Christian, and she transferred to DDHS a year ago.
In high school she’s participated in the David Douglas Black Student Union, and is currently one of the Vice Presidents of the club. Princess Awek has played basketball for more than nine years – four of those years on the varsity basketball team.
As for her career plans – Princess Awek says she’s considering becoming a maternal-fetal nurse, and plans to attend the University of Portland School of Nursing. Her education will be assisted by the $3,500 scholarship she will be awarded by The Randall Group.
Congratulations to 2022 David Douglas High School Rose Festival Princess Awek De Piok.
We look forward to seeing Princess Awek again on June 10, at the 2022 Portland Rose Festival Queen’s Coronation – to be held this year at Peninsula Park Rose Garden.
For genuine, certified information about this year’s Portland Rose Festival, see their official website: CLICK HERE.
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