Find out why this couple again hiked all over Portland, on the longest day of the year …
“Dawn to Dusk” walkers Richard Sundvall and Tatyana Sundvall finish up their 30-mile trek in Sellwood Park.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
What started as an exercise challenge in 2015 for Richard and Tatyana Sundvall has turned into an annual pedestrian excursion around Portland on the Summer Solstice – the first day of summer – this year, on June 20.
Stepping off at sunrise, 5:22 a.m. in Irving Park, the Sundvalls ended their trek at sunset, 9:03 p.m., in Sellwood Park.
Their dawn-to-dusk trek around Portland completed, Tatyana and Richard Sundvall catch their breath on the bluff overlooking Oaks Bottom.
What made it different this year? “From our start until about noon, Tatyana and our supporters walking with us got soaked by passing rain storms,” Richard said.
“And, it was more difficult than we’d thought to find open bathrooms along the way,” he told East Portland News, as friends broke out champagne to celebrate the completion of another successful hike.
Offering a traditional sip of champagne to all involved, Richard Sundvall pours while Tatyana Sundvall passes around flutes of celebratory bubbly.
From the start, the Sundvalls incorporated their fitness challenge an awareness and fundraising opportunity in support of the nonprofit Dougy Center for Grieving Children and Families, on S.E. 52nd Avenue, just south of Foster Road, in the Creston-Kenilworth neighborhood.
“From the first year, we’ve called it our ‘Dawn to Dusk Walk for The Dougy Center’, encouraging people to pledge funds to help this great organization,” Tatyana pointed out.
“The loss of someone you love is truly one of the longest days of anyone’s life; so our ‘Dawn to Dusk’ walk, on the longest day of the year, is also symbolic those grieving a death,” she added. “We do this to raise awareness and support for The Dougy Center. and programs for grieving children and families,” Tatyana said.
With their crew, Tatyana and Richard Sundvall (masked) celebrate the success of the day.
As the couple and friends wrapped up the day, Richard said they hoped to raise $10,000 for local programs to help grieving children and teens, including families affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus.
To learn more about The Dougy Center, see their website: CLICK HERE.
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