Community Calendar

We’ve already added more events! We’re up to 89 listings so far — and add more as they come in during the month. Copy to a file – or print out – our Community Calendar and keep it handy! Or check back to sure you can enjoy great community events – and help your neighborhood.

Among these listings, you’ll find ways to get involved with your community, help the environment, participate in your government, learn valuable information – and have a lot of fun. Most activities are free!

Get your event seen by millions (actually about 66,000 readers per week) by sending your calendar information to Deadline? There isn’t a deadline! We update information during the month!

April 27
> Partners for a Safe & Livable Portland (PSLEP) – This group meets tonight from 6:30 until 8:30 pm at the East Portland Neighborhood Office, 1017 NE 117th Ave. Contact Arlene Kimura via e-mail at for more information.

> Citywide Land Use Forum – This group meets from 7 pm until 9 pm downtown tonight at 1900 SW 4th Avenue, Room 2500B. For more information, contact Bonny McKnight at 503-253-6848 or

April 28
> Lents Neighborhood Association – Their general meeting starts at 7:00 PM at Lents Adventist Church Auditorium, 8835 SE Woodstock St. Contact their Chair, Damien Chakwin at or LNA Vice-Chair Wes Wolfe at for more information.

April 29
> East Portland Chamber of Commerce – “Good Morning East Portland” networking meeting is hosted by different chamber members each Wednesday morning from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Meetings are free and guests are welcome. Today’s host is Ken “Bear” Cole, Fishing With Bear at Warner Pacific College, 2219 SE 68th Avenue. For more information, see or call (503) 788-8589.

> Lents Food Co-op – They’ll be planning for a public forum, from 6 until 8 pm at Pilgrim Lutheran Church basement, 4244 SE 91st Ave.

> Honey Bee Hikes at Leach Botanical Garden – This is a weekly event for preschoolers and parents to explore the garden and the creatures that live in it. Come any Wednesday, from 10 until 11am, through May 27. Cost is $2 per child. Contact Kate Sheridan at 503-823-1671 or Leach Botanical Garden is at 6704 SE 122nd Ave. – a long, winding block south of SE Foster Road.\

> Russell Neighborhood Association – Their meeting was postponed until tonight and it runs from 7 until 9 pm at Western States Chiropractic College, 2900 NE 132nd Ave. For more information, e-mail RNA Co-Chair Bonny McKnight writes, “This meeting is vitally important” — contact her at

> Pleasant Valley Neighborhood Association – General meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. at Pleasant Valley Grange Hall, 17115 SE Foster Road. For more information, contact PVNA Chair Linda Bauer at

Look ahead at these events in May!

May 1
Last day to order DDHS Flower baskets Don’t wait until today! The David Douglas High School Class of 2009 is offering beautiful hanging baskets for sale! All proceeds benefit the Class of 2009 DDHS Drug and Alcohol Free Graduation Party. To order, go to and click on “Spring Flower Order Form” at the top of the page.  Print out the form and mail your order with payment to: DDHS All Night Party, c/o David Douglas High School, 1001 SE 135thAve., Portland, OR 97233. Note: Prepaid orders for baskets must be received at the High School Main Office by Friday, May 1. Pickup information is located on the order form

Eastmont Church Women United – They meet this morning at First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1525 W. Powell Blvd., Gresham. The meeting begins at 10:00; program follows at 11:00 a.m. – it’s their May Friendship Day Celebration. Following the program at noon, is POTLUCK lunch, with salads and desserts. There will be a “Least Coin Offering” taken, and donations are for Human Solutions. Women of all ages, faiths or denominations, are invited and welcome to join them.

May 2
Parkrose Farmer’s Market
— Today is their season’s GRAND OPENING! Come by from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. and check out what’s new in the marketplace. It’s located in the Parkrose High School west parking lot on NE Shaver St., a block west of NE 122nd Avenue. While you’re there …

> Huge Parkrose Schools Rummage Sale – Come to their “Super-Fabulous” Rummage Sale, a fundraiser for Parkrose Middle School from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. By the way, they’re accepting donations of “Gently Used” clothing, household items & small furniture. Drop off your items at the Middle School on Friday, May 1, from 1:30 pm until 5:30pm. Where’s Parkrose Middle School? It’s at 11800 NE Shaver St.; a block west of NE 122nd Avenue. For questions or more information, call Erica at (503) 408-2645.

> Trough Making Class at Leach Gardens – Come and make your own custom hypertufa planter. This class runs from 1 pm. until 3 pm today. Bring a box or rigid container (roughly the size of a dishpan) and rubber gloves. Dress for the weather; this class is taught outdoors. The cost is $20.00 or $17.00 for Garden Friends members. It’s at the Leach Botanical Garden Annex workshop area; 6704 SE 122nd Ave. – a long, winding block south of SE Foster Road. To register or for more information, contact Kate Sheridan at 503-823-1671 or

> Metro Dancers present Coppelia – The producers say this interpretation of Coppelia combines both great dancing but also great theatre. Coppelia is the comedic story of an eccentric inventor, the animated doll he creates and the havoc they cause in their small village. Music, costumes, sets and the dancers’ skill combine to make this a performance event you will not want to miss. There are two performances today, at 2 pm and 7 pm. Pre-Sale tickets are $10/Children & $15/high school students and adults; at the door: $12/Children & $18/HS & Adult. It’s at Portland Metro Performing Arts Center, 9933 SE Pine Street, in the Gateway area. For tickets or more information call (503) 408-0604; email at or

May 5
> Inner SE Portland Combined Open Houses – Come by between 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and get updated on two timely, transportation topics: the Bicycle Master Plan Update project and the Portland Streetcar System Plan. Tonight’s open house is at Franklin High School Cafeteria (5405 SE Woodward St.). For more information, contact Ellen Vanderslice, project manager for the Bicycle Master Plan Update, at (503) 823-4638 or email

May 6
> East Portland Chamber of Commerce – “Good Morning East Portland” networking meeting is hosted by different chamber members each Wednesday morning from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Meetings are free and guests are welcome. Today’s host is Kevin “Not your ordinary beancounter” Mincoff, CPA, LLC at their offices, high atop (Suite 250) the Gateway Washington Mutual branch building at 1515 NE 112th Avenue. For more information, see or call (503) 788-8589.

> OUTER East Portland Combined Open Houses – Come by between 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and get updated on two timely, transportation topics: the Bicycle Master Plan Update project and the Portland Streetcar System Plan. Tonight’s open house is at David Douglas High School North Cafeteria, at 1500 SE 130th Ave. For more information, contact Ellen Vanderslice, project manager for the Bicycle Master Plan Update, at (503) 823-4638 or email

May 7 – 8 – 9
> Shakespeare’s The Tempest at Parkrose High
– The spring offering of Theater Department and Parkrose Thespian Troupe #1783 is this early play by William Shakespeare. The TV series “LOST” has nothing on this show! See how a banished sorcerer uses his magical powers to punish and forgive his enemies when he raises a tempest that drives them ashore. This work has been called both a comedy and a romance story. It runs tonight and tomorrow at 7:00 p.m.; and there’s a matinee on May 9 at 2:00 p.m. The show also runs May 14,15 and 16; the curtain rises at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are just $8 Adults and $5 those under age 18 or over 65. All shows are in the beautiful Parkrose High School Theater, 12003 NE Shaver St., just west of NE 122nd Avenue.

May 8
> Family Friendly Friday concerts – This series of concerts, designed for the entire family to enjoy together, continues. These short musical programs, by popular local musicians, are designed for the entire family to enjoy music together once a month. Tonight’s program runs from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. It features The OREGON RENAISSANCE BAND, directed by CMC faculty members Philip Neuman & Gayle Neuman, an 8 to 12 member ensemble dedicated to performing and recording music of the Renaissance, playing on faithful reproductions of historical instruments. Admission: $5 individuals/$15 families at the door only. A tip: Come early! These shows sell out quickly! CMC is located at 3350 SE Francis Street. For more information, visit or the CMC website at, or call the Center at (503) 823-3177.

May 16
> Leach Garden Children’s Nature Faire – From 10:00 am until 3:00 pm today, bring your family to Leach for the day to explore the garden, meet local environmental groups and celebrate spring with hands-on activities and crafts! Suggested donation is $2 per child. Leach Botanical Garden is at 6704 SE 122nd Ave. – a long, winding block south of SE Foster Road. For more information, contact Kate Sheridan at 503-823-1671 or

> Rain Gardens 101 – Rain gardens are a great way to add beautiful landscaping to your yard and protect overloaded urban sewers and streams at the same time. Join us at this free workshop to learn how to build a rain garden on your property to keep our streams clean and healthy! It runs from 9 am until 1 pm at Portland Nursery, 9000 SE Division St. Advanced registration is required – AND SPOTS FILL FAST! Do NOT delay: register online at For more information, call: (503) 935-5368.

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