Commander recognizes outer East Portland neighbors for reducing holiday ‘car prowls’

Find out why these citizens received official citations – of commendation, not summons – for the good work they did during the Christmas season …

At the beginning of the East Precinct Citizens’ Advisory meeting, Portland Police Bureau East Precinct Commander Mike Reese reads the text of the commendation he’s about give to these five citizens.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
To start off the March East Precinct Citizens Advisory meeting, Portland Police Bureau East Precinct Commander Mike Reese invited five citizens to come forward.

Without further fanfare, Reese read the Letter of Commendation aloud:

On December 10th and December 17th, 2009 East Precinct conducted a car prowl prevention mission for the Holiday shopping season.

This mission focuses on contact with shoppers at local malls, to remind them to properly store and secure their purchases, so they do not become victims of car prowls. The success of the mission relies heavily on volunteer support.

Volunteers walk the parking lots, handing out brochures and making area shoppers feel safe, while also reminding them of simple car prowl prevention techniques.

This event also draws significant positive media exposure for the Portland Police Bureau, and increases the effectiveness of the car prowl prevention mission, by broadcasting the message to the media audience.

This past Holiday season, Tom Barnes, Palmer Moore, Geneve McArbe, Mary Walker, Andrea Long, Dave Smith, Pat Smith, Clint Lenard, Cathy Flesey, Harold Panton, and Ann Panton contributed to the success of this event. This event would not have been successful with out their volunteer efforts.

Each of you are to be commended for your dedication to your community, your willingness to help, and your volunteer spirit.

Thank you, and congratulations for a job well done!

Portland Police Bureau East Precinct Commander Mike Reese stands with East Portland volunteers Geneva McArtor, Palmer Moore, Tom Barnes, Mary Walker, Clinton Lenard and East Precinct Sgt. John Scruggs after presenting them their commendations.

© 2010 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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