Find out what kind of special unit Central Northeast Neighbors volunteers are hoping to buy for Portland Fire & Rescue’s Station 12 …
Bryce Naito and Nate Ferguson, Mormon missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are two of twenty volunteers who lend a hand at the Central Northeast Neighbors spring clean-up at Glenhaven Park.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
We’ve run many stories that illustrate how neighborhood clean-up efforts improve livability and provide a great service for local residents, helping them get rid of refuse and debris.
But, a Central Northeast Neighbors (CNN) coalition clean-up we stopped by a few weeks ago had an additional purpose, said their office manager, Ronda Johnson.
Heather MacPherson, Gwen MacPherson, Jo Schaefer, and CNN office manager Ronda Johnson help neighbors fill another dumpster.
“We’re doing a fundraiser for Portland Fire & Rescue’s Station 12,” Johnson explained. “Our goal is to raise about $4,000 to purchase an ATV for the station. They work behind Rocky Butte quite a bit.”
In addition to hosting dumpsters for all kinds of refuse, the event also ran a “You-price-it Yard Sale” at the May 21 Glenhaven Park event. “We’re collecting yard debris and scrap metal, also,” Johnson pointed out.
Easier than a garage sale, the “You-Price-It” sale helps neighbors turn usable items into cash – or to donate the sale price to the ATV fund.
That event raised about $900 toward their goal. Other neighborhood events added $2,300 to the fund, bringing them close to their goal.
“At the same time that we’re raising money, we help neighbors clean up their home and yard, so that built-up refuse doesn’t become a neighborhood nuisance,” Johnson said. “So, it helps everybody in the long run.”
For more information on the Central Northeast Neighbors coalition, see their official website: CLICK HERE.
© 2011 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News