Church group feeds East Portland cops

Learn why volunteers from the Madison South Neighborhood prepared and served a hot lunch to all of East Precinct’s officers and staff …

Volunteers Mike Thomas, Nancy Schrick, Judene Buck, and Carol Cooper, from City Bible Church, stand ready to feed “East Portland’s Finest”.

Photos and story by David F. Ashton
Law Enforcement Appreciation Week” came and went in mid-May without much fanfare. But, volunteers from City Bible Church, located on the north edge of Rocky Butte, wanted to make sure Portland Police Bureau (PPB) officers and staff were remembered in a special way.

“We’re not seeking publicity from this,” said Terry Schrick, Chaplain at City Bible Church. “It’s our way of showing appreciation of everything that police officers do in our community every day.”

Volunteers serve PPB East Precinct Captain Mark Kruger

While Chaplain Schrick was out picking up desserts for the May 17 event, other volunteers were busily setting up the serving line of hot food in the Precinct’s Community Room.

Looking at the buffet of beef, chicken, and pork teriyaki, along with salad and desserts, was East Precinct Captain Mark Kruger.

“This is absolutely wonderful,” Kruger commented. “They’ve shown us a tremendous amount of support; and it’s very encouraging to the officers. We very much appreciate the care and concern that they are showing for us.”

East Precinct Sgt. Wendi Steinbronn and Lt. Larry Graham step up, and are served a hot lunch by volunteers from City Bible Church.

After being served his lunch, Kruger added, “Really, this is kind of support is unheard of.  It absolutely warms my heart, as it does all of our people. Actually, it’s very moving – and quite delicious! We definitely appreciate it!”

Volunteers from the church provided food for all three shifts at East Precinct, and officers’ families were also invited.

To find out more about City Bible Church, see their website: CLICK HERE.

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