No turkeys were injured at this event! However, see why even the lowest-scoring bowlers had fun – at this East Portland Chamber of Commerce signature event …
All of these lanes – clear back to the wall – are occupied by members and guests enjoying the East Portland Chamber of Commerce’s 2011 “Turkey Bowl”.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Years ago, when the East Portland Chamber of Commerce (EPCC) first began, one of their very first events was the “Turkey Bowl”, held in November. It continues, and has become a favorite event of members and their guests.
On November 11, at the AMC 20th Century Lanes in the Lents Neighborhood, the 2011 Turkey Bowl hosted a record turnout of 54 bowlers. While some of the participants rolled gutter balls, others showed their prowess by racking up pro-level scores with their “strikes”, and making their “spares”.
Three of the EPCC Ambassadors at the event – Deborah Higa, Sheila Askvo of The Bookkeeping Company, and Kira Richards from Back Pain & Accident Chiropractic – welcome participants, and draw for raffle prizes.
Although the perennial lead organizer, Holly Moss of The Bookkeeping Company, was out of town, other EPCC Ambassadors stepped up to host the event.
“This is one of the premier activities of the chamber during the year,” smiled EPCC Ambassador Deborah Higa. “It’s one where members and guests come together with their families and associates and friends, and just have a great time.”
Kevin “Not your ordinary bean-counter” Minkoff, CPA, rolls another the ball true, to make another “spare”.
Team Rose City Associates players Cindy Carlston, Pete Lackner, Richard Sorem, and Ginny Sorem, pose for a team photo.
Jim Linthorst, of the Oregonians Credit Union, wins one of the great many raffle prizes at this year’s EPCC Turkey Bowl.
When people get together, Higa added, “We get to know each other better. We strengthen personal relationships, and that helps build business relationships. Events like these help businesspeople benefit from their Chamber membership, because they’re making new contacts, and thus broadening the representation in the community.”
In addition to providing opportunities of “doing business”, Higa said, “Events like these are a time to recognize each other for the great work we do within the Chamber, and within the community.”
Richard and Gail Kiely of Home Run Graphics take a break, after bowling their sets.
New EPCC “Bronze Sponsor” Home Depot representatives and their kids show off their colorful aprons, as they pose for a team photo.
Holiday Awards Breakfast December 7
Higa reminded that the EPCC “Good Morning East Portland” networking meeting on December 7 will be their annual Recognition and Celebration Breakfast. “This is perhaps the most festive of all our weekly morning events,” Higa said. “Come see who the Chamber is honoring this year!”
While the meetings are free, the cost for breakfast at this special meeting is $15.00, she noted. It starts at 7:30 a.m.
It will be held upstairs in Egtvedt Hall at Warner Pacific College, 2219 SE 68th Avenue, just off SE Division Street.
“Hey, how come I got stuck with the turkey?” asks Rich Sorem, of Rose City Associates, rolled 198, giving him the “Highest Individual Score” honors.
Team “Not your Ordinary Bowlers” – Keith Hendershott, Gerry Hendershott, Barbara Yearke, and Kevin Minkoff – take the Turkey Bowl trophy for “Highest Scoring Team”.
Amy Williamson, Gresham Ford (the “Dealer with a Heart”), and Steve Copeland of Copeland Business Services, share the Turkey Bowl Award for “Lowest Team Score”.
Other EPCC activities include public affairs programs, educational seminars, ribbon-cuttings for new businesses, social activities, and opportunities for members to give back to their community. The chamber also keeps members updated through a weekly newsletter and an interactive web site: CLICK HERE to visit it, or follow the Chamber on TWITTER, or call the office at (503) 788-8589.
© 2011 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News