Cans from the Holidays needed in Parkrose

What to do with your return-deposit bottles and cans from the Holidays? Bring them on January 5, to support the Bronco Boosters …

Students and Parkrose community members pitch in, sorting return-deposit bottles and cans at the monthly Bronco Boosters Can Drive.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

Since started by the now-retired “Parkrose Can Man”, Dave Luce, volunteers continue to hold first-Saturday-of-the-month collection events, taking in return-deposit cans and bottles to support the Parkrose High School “Bronco Boosters” organization.

“We’re going into our eighth year of doing this,” said the current organizer, Patty Meighen.

Continuing to coordinate the outer East Portland bottle and can drive are Patty Meighen, and her husband, Greg Meighen.

“Traditionally, after the Holidays has been a good collection time for us, and we’re hoping people remember to come here on Saturday, January 5, to donate their return-deposit containers,” Meighen told East Portland News and the December 1 collection.

“Each month, we have a different student group that comes out to volunteer; this month it’s the crew of the “Bronco Blaze”, Parkrose High’s newspaper,” Meighen said. “They’ll receive a portion of the proceeds, and use their funds to buy equipment.”

The balance of the money raised from these can and bottle collections go to fund their Senior Scholarship program, and also the school’s drug and alcohol free All-night Senior Graduation Party,” explained Meighen.

These members of Parkrose High’s “Bronco Blaze” newspaper are smiling, because they know their publication will benefit from this volunteer effort.

“And, we’re always we’re looking for adult community volunteers to pick up at deposit locations what containers people have saved up at their homes or businesses; we also have collection barrels that business or large organizations can place to collect for us.”

So, start the year off right by doing good with your discards – bottles and cans, that is!

No load is too small, all deposit-return cans and bottles are welcomed by the Bronco Booster “can crew”.

Parkrose Bronco Boosters Pop Can Drive January 5
From 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., take your deposit-return cans and bottles with you to help support their community educational efforts. You’ll find them enthusiastically unloading cars and trucks at Parkrose Middle School front entrance, at 11800 NE Shaver Street, 97220.

For large quantity bottle or can pick up, or for more information, contact Patty Meighen at

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