‘Can Drive’ begins for another season

Here’s a fine place to take your deposit-return bottles and cans – and, in the process, help folks in southern outer East Portland to do good in the community …

Several volunteers helping with the Powellhurst-Gilbert Can Drive makes the light work fun and enjoyable, they say.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Again this year, volunteers with the Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood Association (PGNA) are joining with those with the Division-Midway Alliance (DMA) in holding bottle-and-can collection events – every other Sunday – in the upcoming summer.

At their last March collection drive, they were “doing pretty good”, said Thomas Barnes, one of the fundraisers originators. “Actually, we’re doing fantastic today; we’ve collected about $100 worth of bottles and cans so far.”

Those who bring deposit-return bottles and cans can now get a Donation Receipt from the non-profit Division Midway Alliance., says organizer Thomas Barnes. That helps with your taxes.

Barnes explained that the proceeds help support National Night Out, the Sign Cap Fund, the Adopt-A-Drain Program, and Graffiti Cleanup efforts, as well as the restoration of natural habitat along the Springwater Trail.

“This year, raising funds is critical to the success of our annual ‘National Night Out’ party on August 2,” Barnes told East Portland News.

“Since the City of Portland cancelled the East Portland Small Grant Program, we’ve had to come up with creative new ways to fund our major event for the community. All of our funding for it this year will come from this bottle and can drive,” he added.

Just off work, neighbor Angela Beam stops by to drop off cans. “I think this is a great way to contribute to the neighborhood,” she says.

Another co-creator of the fundraiser, Donna Dionne, picks up another load of cans from a donor.

This year they’re also collecting Coca-Cola product bottle caps with code numbers, or code panels from cartons, to support education at West Powellhurst Elementary School.

And again this year, volunteers from the Division Midway Alliance for Neighborhood Improvement are pitching in, and sharing in the profits from the non-profit venture.

DMA Board Member Trevor Hopper, of Mill Park’s Mid-County Foot Patrol, sorts deposit-return bottles and cans.

The next PGNA Neighborhood Can Drive will be on April 20, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.,

So save up your deposit-return bottles and cans (those are the containers requiring a 5-cent deposit when purchased) – and then take them to the Sears parking lot at 2626 SE 122nd Avenue (just south of Pizza Baron). For more information, contact Tom Barnes by email at omdy12@gmail.com, or see the PGNA Website: CLICK HERE.

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