Even during the summer months, see how “Dave’s Can Clan” works to turn recycle-for-credit bottles and cans into cash to help student programs – and how you can help …
The Parkrose High School Varsity Cheerleaders help out with can and bottle collection efforts, during their July Saturday morning event.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The Parkrose Bronco Boosters’ “Can Collection Drive” continues throughout the summer months, on the first Saturday of every month – with the exception of July 12, when we caught up with them.
As we pull up, members of the Parkrose High School Varsity Cheerleaders look dejected that we don’t have a trunk full of returnable bottles and cans – but they say they’re happy to help promote the fundraising effort.
The money collected from this first-Saturday-of-the-month can drive at Parkrose Middle school is evenly divided between the Parkrose Bronco Boosters, and the sports team or club that helps out.
Dave, the Parkrose Can Man – can — and does!
“Last year we generated $6,000 here from our 12 monthly can drives,” said Parkrose’ “king of cans”, Dave Luce. “This is all from people who bring us their returnable-for-credit cans and bottles. And, we then help them by sorting them, and taking care of their non-refundables as well.”
He does this, Luce said, because his kids went to Parkrose Schools. “And, I’m retired and I don’t fish as much as I used to,” he says with a smile.
With the help of area businesses and neighbors, Luce places barrels and collects cans to raise money for Parkrose Senior All-night Parties.
Supports All-night Party
Additionally, Luce also raised $9,000 for the ’07-’08 Senior All-night Party. “I’m starting on next year’s event already,” he says.
Luce gets the cans by gaining permission to place 55-gallon plastic barrels or drums in various locations, he revealed. “I have 194 of them out at people’s businesses, and some homes. They fill them and give me a call, and I come take ’em home and sort them. At the same time, I drop off a clean and empty barrel. It keeps me busy year-round.”
You can help
If you generate a substantial number of deposit-return cans and bottles at your home or business, give Dave Luce a call at (503) 255-3745, and help him help our community.
© 2008 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News