‘BODY WORLDS’ returns to OMSI

If you missed this unusual exhibition when was here before – here’s your chance to get an anatomy lesson unlike one your likely to see elsewhere. Be warned, some of these images are not for the squeamish …

Guests get their first look at the wonders of the human body at OMSI’s presentation of BODY WORLDS & The Brain.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI) opened its latest featured exhibition, Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS & The Brain on October 20.

This oddly fascinating exhibition of authentic human specimens preserved entire bodies, individual organs, and transparent body slices made history at the museum with a total of nearly 400,000 visitors during its 4-month run at OMSI in 2007.

-2 Visitors seem fascinated by exhibits at the new BODY WORLDS & The Brain.

-3 This plastinate, “The Soccer Player – 2005” illustrates the interplay between surface and intermediate muscles as they work together in movement.

“This exhibit presents an unparalleled opportunity to learn about the anatomy of the human body, with both its resilience and fragility,” said OMSI’s president Nancy Stueber at the grand opening press conference. “The exhibit also conveys important health messages that OMSI, and our partner OHSU, believe will positively impact the lifestyle choices of many who see the exhibit.”

New in this version of the exhibition is the focus on neuroscience research on brain development, performance, disease, and disorders.

The displays give visitors much to talk about both during, and after their visit.

This human body, preserved in thin slices, illustrates the complexity of our makeup.

While many of the 33 million people who have seen the exhibition worldwide consider the displays to be respectful, aesthetic, and often very moving, the human bodies, preserved through von Hagens’ “plastination process” is stunningly graphic and may not be suitable for everyone.

Guests are fascinated by this full body plastinate, “The Yoga Lady – 2005” that “underlines her remarkably well-developed muscles”.

Exhibit Facts


  • Open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., until 9:00 p.m. Friday/Saturday
  • Tickets: $25.00/adults, $20.00 for students & seniors, $17.00/children.
  • More information: www.omsi.edu or (503) 797-4000
  • OMSI: 1945 SE Water Avenue

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