‘Bike Fair’ kicks off summer riding season

See how the Rosewood community came together to help kids get ready to have bicycle riding fun …

Lots of families come to the Rosewood Bike Fair, where fun abounds amidst safety education.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

In 2012 the Rosewood Initiative held a “Bike Fair” as part of the kickoff of their mural project.

> To read about the Rosewood Mural, CLICK HERE.

Based on the success of that fair, its organizer, Jerome Funchess, decided to hold two more such events.

Rosewood volunteer David Barrera spends a moment with Bike Fair organizer Jerome Funchess.

“It’s important to have events like this, because much of the biking infrastructure that is in Portland is actually in central Portland,” Funchess told East Portland News. “A lot of the resources tend to happen closer to downtown. Out here, there is just as much need for all of the services that people find at our bike fair.”

Holding the fair in this part of outer East Portland, Funchess said, “Helps the mission of Rosewood, by bringing community together around something that we all can enjoy, which is bicycling. We live in an area where there are not many bicycle shops.”

Volunteer bicycle mechanic Michael Mode of Performance Bicycles adjusts a bike.

Rosewood’s Jenny Glass fits Tyree Malone with his new bike helmet at the Rosewood Bike Fair.

“What made this possible,” Funchess commented, “was getting a grant from the City of Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement East Portland Neighborhood Small Grant Program. It’s too bad the City dropped this program for next year. Having a little financial support helps a lot.”

Providence Hospital supplied bike helmets, Portland Police Bureau bicycle officers held a “bike rodeo” teaching kids the “rules of the road”, and volunteers fed everyone hotdogs and provided cold water.

Portland Police SE Precinct Officer Lyle teaches bike safety to this young rider.

Rosewood Initiative volunteer James Lockaby gets ready to serve up another hot dog.

“Watch for our next “Bike Fair” later this summer,” Funchess concluded.

Find out more about this great mid-County community effort at their website: CLICK HERE to open their home page.

© 2013 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News

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