‘Barn & Brews’ celebrates Gateway Brewing anniversary

INCLUDES LIVELY, CELEBRATORY VIDEO | Check out this mellow outer East Portland gathering in Parkrose at Rossi Farms – one that had folks smiling …

As the 2023 ‘Barn & Brews’ begins, celebrants make their way to the historic Rossi Farms barn.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

The weather was perfect for an indoor/outdoor celebration on May 20 called, “Barnes & Brews – Rossi Farms celebrates Gateway Brewing’s Eighth Birthday Bash.”

Watch the activities at this unique, joyful outer East Portland event:

Inside and outside the Rossi Farms iconic red barn, people from all around the area were enjoying the featured live music, the eight beers on tap, the bratwurst, and the pretzels – plus lots of lively conversation.

Emiliano Alonso pitches a game of Corn Hole.

Happy to be hosting the party are Joel Sheley and Karen Sheley, owners of Gateway Brewing.

“It’s great to be here, celebrating our Gateway Brewing eighth anniversary,” remarked head brewer and co-owner Joel Sheley at the event. “We had very humble beginnings; and, I think were still really humble, as far as that goes – still brewing out of my garage!”

Sheley is also in charge of distributing his brew: “In our neighborhood, we’re sold in cans in Winco at their NE 102nd and 122nd Avenue stores, and you can get it on tap at McGillicuddy’s Sports Bar here in Parkrose, and in Gresham, at Spinella’s. Also, I occasionally do runs taking our product out to the Oregon coast.”

Proud winners of the 2023 ‘Barn & Brews Corn Hole Tournament’ are Jake Nagy, Bryan Atkinson, Alison Garre, and Nick Currin.

In the barn, Joe Rossi gets the Gateway Brewing crew together for a photo.

The music of Sean Daly and The Shams gets guests up and dancing.

Looking around at all the celebrants, Sheley observed, “It’s good that we have so much support in outer East Portland, and in all of East Multnomah County; in fact, it’s pretty unbelievable!

“In many ways it seems like it’s getting harder to be in business; but it’s events like this that keep me going,” Sheley smiled. “You see all of these people celebrating, and having fun – and that’s right up our alley, that’s were here for!”

Here grilling the bratwurst are Marchelle Carl and Rich Gasca, both of the St. Rita Catholic Church parish.

Guests relax and enjoy the afternoon inside the Rossi Farms barn.

Pitching popcorn for Parkrose High School are Alfon Agdipa and Deshawn Huffman, as well as Dana Millard and Steve Millard.

Event hostess Gabrielle Rossi was all smiles at the party. “I’m very happy that our barn, here on the farm, can be the connection for our neighborhood associations, businesses, and our neighbors.

“Here, people have an opportunity to see, and be on, a real working farm; have conversations about agriculture; and meet our neighbors and business partners,” she added. “It helps facilitate positive connections in our community!”

Celebrating the afternoon are Tyler Ashburn, Kenneth Poirier – holding Arthur, KT Poirier, Cornelius McNaughton, and Gabrielle Rossi.

  • For more information about Gateway Brewing, visit their website: CLICK HERE.
  • And, to learn more about Rossi Farms, CLICK HERE.

And finally …

Gabrielle Rossi, Londa Sundin, Annette Stanhope pose for a picture with David F. Ashton, presented with the “Parkrose Spirit Award” – along with Gateway Brewing’s Karen Sheley and Joel Sheley, and Joe Rossi. Photo courtesy of Erik Walker (@ErikinPortland)

Thank you all so much for the “Parkrose Spirit Award” – even more, for your support over the decades! DFA

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