If you missed it this year – be sure to check our Community Calendar next spring for the next occurrence of this great event. But read this, and find out why it’s not too late to help out …
Shoppers pick through tables laden with all kinds of merchandise at the DDHS Senior All-night Party Rummage Sale.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Instead of turning graduates loose to celebrate after the ceremony, a group of dedicated David Douglas High School parents make sure their seniors can make a better and safer choice: Attend the Senior All-night Party.
“It’s an event we host on graduation night, filled with music, fun, and food,” explained the co-chair of the event, Tammy Busby.
“Our annual rummage sale is our major fundraiser,” Busby told us, when we visited the event. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s a neat thing to bring into our community and raise money for our seniors.”
Tammy Busby, co-chair of the DDHS Senior All-night Party committee, and their treasurer, Heather Robinson, pause for a photo at their annual rummage sale.
Guessing that some 2,000 items were being offered for sale, Busby said they’d been collecting the merchandise since January. “We’re hoping to raise around $2,000 from our two-day event.”
It’s important to give young people an alternative, Busby said about the event for which they’ve worked diligently to raise money. “This drug- and-alcohol-free event goes on all night long. It’s a fun way to celebrate their graduation.”
And, we guess, the students at this party won’t have regrets in the following days – and weeks!
You can help!
You can still contribute to this worthy cause by sending a check to: David Douglas High School All-Night Party, 1001 Southeast 135th Avenue, Portland, OR 97233.
Montavilla residents Carol and Ron Cima say they’re delighted to find this new treasure at the sale!
© 2010 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News