Awards bestowed on Parkrose businesspeople

Find out who were given the highest honors by the Parkrose Business Association during their Holiday celebration …

Guests check in to the Parkrose Business Association Holiday celebration, at the front table.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

One of the Holiday Season highlights took place, once again, when members and guests of the Parkrose Business Association (PBA) gathered in a banquet room at the Holiday Inn Airport Convention Center on the evening of December 12.

There was plenty of time for the fifty attendees to mix and mingle, bid on silent auction items, and enjoy musical entertainment and a fine buffet dinner.

Pictures tell much of this story much better than words:

With a wide variety of items available in the silent auction, most bidders go home with at least one treasure, while supporting the Parkrose Business Foundation Scholarship program.

Under the direction of Lesley Bossert, the Parkrose High School Debonaires perform.

PBA President Mike Taylor welcomes members and guests, and announces that the grand buffet is open.

Guests serve themselves delicious and well-prepared food, a hallmark of the Holiday Inn Airport’s catering staff.

PBA Vice President Jason Zwick, State Farm Insurance Agent, draws another door prize number, with the help of past president Judy Kennedy of Pacific Northwest Federal Credit Union.

Again holding her dollar-per-guess promotion for the Scholarship Fund, Karen Taylor of Mary Kay Cosmetics reveals that Brent Grabinger was the one who guessed the correct number of jelly beans in the jar – and won the candy!

Mark E. Eves Attorney at Law passes the bucket and collects $742, which he matches dollar-for-dollar, for his favorite charity (and apparently a favorite of the PBA members, too) – the Salvation Army.

As guests finished their dinner – and many went for second helpings before they were done – PBA President Mike Taylor began the awards portion of the program.

“Without your Board of Directors, and the help of others, we would not accomplish anything,” Taylor proclaimed. “As PBA president, I am certain that I express your appreciation for the work that your board members have done on behalf of our organization.”

These PBA Board of Directors members each receive a “President’s Award”.

Taylor announced that Jason Zwick will continue as PBA vice president, and that most members of the Board of Directors will continue their roles in the New Year as well.

Longtime volunteer PBA bookkeeper Laurie Larsen is honored for her years of service.

Laurie Larsen, with Compaction and Recycling Equipment, Inc. was singled out for honors by Taylor. “For many years – as long as I can remember – she has served as the PBA’s bookkeeper, until this year. She kept our books straight, not only for us but also for the Parkrose Business Foundation. That’s a lot of work, especially the day before the board meeting. We really, really appreciate her work.”

Representing his table during the “Dessert Dash” – a new, luscious Scholarship Fundraiser which brought in a total of $338 – is Brent Grabinger of ASE Supply Inc.

David F. Ashton of East Portland News presents to Karen Taylor the 2014 PBA Artie Johnson Award.

Karen Taylor listened politely as 2013 recipient David F. Ashton told about the 2014 honoree.

“The Artie Johnson Award is presented to an individual who unselfishly gives their time and energy, and provides a high level of service to the PBA,” Ashton said.

“At PBA – and many of the community events – you will see this particulatr individual organizing, helping, and taking on leadership roles to further the success of Parkrose Businesses and Neighborhood Communities. Not only is person gifted and capable in so many ways, we all agree that this individual is a joy to work with.

“This year’s awardee has taken on many responsibilities during the three years of service as a director on PBA’s Board,” Ashton continued. “This includes scheduling speakers and Member Moments – certainly a challenging task”.

Her ears perked up when Ashton described her as being the “wife of a hard-charging fellow named Mike, the mother of four, grandmother of many, and managing her own business.” She blushed.

Members then roundly congratulated Karen Taylor as their 2014 Artie Johnson Award Winner.

Alison Stoll, of Central Northeast Neighbors, Inc. is presented with the 2014 Karl F. Lind Award by Jason Zwick.

When the 2013 Karl F. Lind Award recipient Jason Zwick called Alison Stoll to come forward, she looked surprised and pleased.

“The Karl F. Lind Award is given to a member of the community who has given countless hours of volunteer time, is known for personal integrity, and has become an integral part of the Parkrose community,” Zwick said.

He told how Stoll has spent countless hours – actually countless days and evenings – helping to prepare the grant applications which have brought the PBA funding for its banners, its soccer promotion, and its branded shopping bags.

“Even though she works full time for the CNN neighborhood coalition, she also volunteers with Ride Connection, Venture Portland, the Hollywood Lions Club, and numerous committees.

“The PBA is grateful for Alison’s hard work, dedication, and loyalty to the Parkrose area,” Zwick concluded.

Those at the event then took time to savor their desserts – and to trade tastes with neighboring tables – before the silent auction results were made known, and the event ended.

In addition to presenting a delightful evening, the event raised about $2,200 for the PBA Foundation’s Scholarship Fund.

Meet with the PBA!

The next meeting of the Parkrose Business Association starts at 11:30 a.m. on January 22. Their meeting is at Holiday Inn Airport, 8439 NE Columbia Boulevard (in the hotel building, around the back at the former Flirt’s nightclub entrance – not the Convention Center next door). The meeting is free, and the buffet lunch is $17 including dessert and gratuity; reservations are NOT required.

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