Annual awards presented at Portland Adventist Community Services dinner

INCLUDES CELEBRATORY VIDEO | Discover just what this long-standing nonprofit group was celebrating, at their annual celebration in outer East Portland …

In the Parkrose neighborhood, at Rossi Farms, Portland Adventist Community Services hosts their Annual Awards dinner.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

As they have for decades – except during the COVID pandemic – those involved with Portland Adventist Community Services (PACS) gathered for an annual celebration, their Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Dinner, honoring those who have volunteered to serve our community. It took place again this year on October 6 in Rossi Farms’ Barn.

But just what is PACS?  It’s a community service organization that has three different lines of service from their facilities in the Gateway District:

  • A long-standing Food Pantry and Mobile Food Pantry;
  • A nominal fee dental clinic; and,
  • Low-cost thrift stores.


At the Awards Dinner, PACS Associate Director Tim Zollbrechet and Executive Director Laura Pascoe stand with Donna Cavanaugh – who is being presented the Director’s Award “For outstanding faithfulness, commitment, and dedication to our community” by providing outstanding volunteer service over the past 20 years.

While some organizations claim to have served outer East Portland for a long time, PACS has been in operation serving our community continuously since 1934. That’s what PACS Executive Director Laura Pascoe pointed out.

“Honestly, we take it is an honor that we get to be in this part of the city,” Pascoe told East Portland News that night. “By working together, our volunteers strive to make a difference and strengthen the fabric of our community.”

Now, see what it was like to attend this wonderful volunteer appreciation event – in our exclusive video coverage:

At this dinner, PACS volunteers browsed and purchased curated items for sale, sipped on “mocktails” (no-booze cocktails), and chatted, before the buffet opened.

“We’re grateful, this evening, for the opportunity to celebrate, along with our community, these: Our volunteers and our partners,” Pascoe announced.

At the dinner, PACS Thrift Store Manager Leah Dizon serves guest Angel Lions, who is making a purchase.

About to enjoy a hand-crafted “mocktail” is guest David Guyette – he receives it from PACS volunteer “mock-tender”, Jaclyn Russell.

“In addition to giving our ‘Directors Award’ and the ‘Barbara Nelson Excellence Award’ – this is the night we get to talk about the impact of what PACS does,” continued Pascoe. “This includes honoring our amazing partners, like Birch Community Services, and our wonderful volunteers, like Donna Cavanaugh; without them, we wouldn’t be able to serve all the people that we do.”

Birch Community Services Operations Manager Andrew Rowlette and BCS Development Director Valerie Rowlette receive the PACS Barbara Nelson Excellence Award “For outstanding service, vision, and leadership in meeting the needs of our community”. PACS executives Tim Zollbrechet and Laura Pascoe made the presentation.

Guests serve themselves a gourmet pasta supper catered by Pompello, featuring salads, and five chicken or vegetarian pasta dishes.

Positive impact of PACS volunteers
Each month about 250 volunteers help out with PACS, Pascoe said. On any given day at their facilities 30 to 40 volunteers come to help – with a different, similarly-sized group of volunteers coming every day of the week that they’re open.

“Based on statistics from the first six months of this year, our volunteers gave an equivalent of 1.92 years of service,” declared Pascoe. “That’s why were grateful for every single one of their contributions to PACS.”

During supper, guests are serenaded by Kaiya – as she sings, accompanied by Paul Foreman, of the duo Mixed Feelings.

Into the evening, the PACS volunteers and supporters enjoy a good meal, and great conversation.

Find out more about Portland Adventist Community Services, and contribute to their work, by visiting their website: CLICK HERE.

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