Aliens spooks scare up after-school funding at Sacramento Elementary

We’re not sure who had more fun – the adults who built this “haunted house” in the gym, or the kids who went through it!

Sacramento Elementary School teacher Chris Sullivan here coaches this alien on how to avoid scaring the littlest kids too badly.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Sacramento Elementary School students, and their parents and friends, came back to school for a good Halloween-like scare on October 27 and 27 – visiting the “Haunted House of Aliens”, set up in the school’s gymnasium.

“This is to raise money for the Sacramento Kids’ Club,” said Sacramento teacher Chris Sullivan. “My uncle put together a hunted house attraction for Woodstock Elementary School last week; he agreed to help us out.”

Kao Saesho, who also works with the Kids’ Club after-school program, spreads spooky cobwebs in one of the rooms.

As kids adjust to the dim glow of these alien faces – something, we’re not sure what, because it was dark – reaches out and “greets” them.

And, help them “Uncle Barry” Sullivan did. As helpers put finishing touches on the dark rooms, Sullivan said, “My friend Randy Riedel wanted to do this big haunted exhibit for Woodstock’s Harvest Party, so I helped him put it together. It went over very well. We’re happy to bring it here, for these kids to enjoy – and to support their club.”

At this spooky event, they also sold popcorn and offered face-painting. “We’re using the money to pay for additional after-school activities for the kids, like athletics and arts,” Sullivan said.

After dressing the wizard, Barry Sullivan prepares to put the finishing touches on this, his fourth haunted house.

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