After a ‘shots fired’ report, SERT callout ends abruptly

Find out why this odd situation put Glenfair neighbors on edge …

A Portland Police Bureau East Precinct Cadet strings “Police Line” tape across SE 157th Avenue at SE Stark Street.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

After receiving reports that shots had been fired in a house on SE Ankeny Circle, on the evening of August 16, Portland Police Bureau (PPB) officers started swarming into the area.

About 8:30 p.m. parked police vehicles began to line SE 157th Avenue between SE Stark and E. Burnside – near SE Ankeny Circle – in outer East Portland.

Police officials discuss strategy regarding the woman, reportedly holed up in a house with a gun.

Inasmuch as it was a warm Sunday evening, neighbors were out watching, as more police came into the area. Rumors were rampant in the neighborhood that a man in an apartment on SE 157th Avenue was holding hostages in his unit. That evidently was untrue.

“Officers are investigating the report of a domestic disturbance, where the female suspect may have fired a gun at a female victim,” is all PPB Public Information Officer Sgt. Pete Simpson would say about the situation.

The Portland Police Mobile Command Center races to the scene.

The Portland Police Bureau’s Special Emergency Reaction Team (SERT) and Crisis Response Team (CNT) came to the SE 157th Avenue, now quarantined to prevent vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

From blocks away, the CNT negotiator could be heard over a high-power loudspeaker system, telling the woman they were not going to storm the house, and asking her to come out.

Police vehicles line SE 157th Avenue, as the buildup of personnel continues.

A man, who stood just outside the police line, vehemently proclaimed that he was the woman’s husband, and that “the police should just leave the area”.

“SERT and CNT officers have disengaged from the suspect residence after numerous attempts to contact the woman believed to be inside,” Simpson reported, about 10:30 p.m. that evening.

“Based on all available information, there is no risk to the community, and investigators will follow up at a later time,” Simpson said.

Bystanders speculate about what is transpiring down the street.

The following day, police were again called to the residence. The result of that call, and the investigation, remain unknown, but apparently no one was injured in either incident.

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