18th annual 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade starts Rose Festival season

INCLUDES COMPLETE PARADE VIDEO, in 4K | See how volunteers keep this, the only sanctioned Portland Rose Festival event in outer East Portland, rolling along …

Volunteer Don Wells is polishing up the 1968 Pontiac Firebird he’ll be driving in the 18th annual 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade – carrying the Grand Marshals – starting off in the Lents neighborhood.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton

The forecast of rain moving in from the coast may have kept some families from coming out for the 18th annual 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade on April 27, though there certainly was a crowd along the route.  But, as on every other parade morning in the two-decade history of the event, not one drop of rain fell on the parade, though dark clouds hovered above the route.

In the staging area, getting pumped up for the parade, is Portland Rose Festival “Clown Prince” Angel Ocasio.

Near the start of the route, parade announcers Eric Norberg, editor of THE BEE, and Multnomah County Library’s Patrick Provant stand ready to announce the entrants.

As in past years, the parade formed in the parking lot of the Cinemark Century Eastport Plaza 16 Theater, and stepped off north along S.E. 82nd Avenue of Roses. It continued, crossing Powell Boulevard and Division Street, and eventually disbanded in the Montavilla neighborhood, two  miles north of the starting point.

From staging, through the last entry rolling past – see the entire parade, including the announcers introducing the entries:

This year, the procession followed the lead of Portland Police Bureau East Commander Jake Jensen driving the Portland Police Pace Car, with retired East Precinct Commander retired Cliff Jensen riding shotgun.

They were followed by the Color Guard – Scouts from BSA Troop 24 and Troop 5024.

Carrying the parade’s official banner are volunteer and sponsor Larry Smith and long-time volunteer Kathryn Notson. Behind them, the Grand Marshals wave to the crowd.

This year’s Grand Marshals were Portland Rose Festival Foundation CEO Marilyn Clint, and their retired Public Relations Manager Rich Jarvis.

Adding color and zany humor were Portland Rose Festival “Clown Prince” Angel Ocasio and the Festival Clowns. They were followed an amazing variety of entrants, from the “Bigfoot 56th Army Band” and the Mysti Krewe of Nimbus revelers, to the stately horse riders of the “BlackPearl Friesian Dance Troupe”.

Showing off precision choreography are members of the SEI King SUN School Drill Team.

Portland City Commissioner Carmen Rubio rides the route; and, Commissioners Mingus Mapps and Rene Gonzalez walk it, and wave to the folks watching.

Folks could hear the Last Regiment of Syncopated Drummers pounding out their precise rhythms from blocks away. Other parade entries featured local nonprofit organizations, school drill teams, and a perennial favorite – the tanks and \vehicles driven by the Military Vehicle Collectors Club of Oregon.

Folks enjoy the antics of the Portland Lee’s Association Dragon & Lion Dance Team in the parade.

Filling the street with great music, it’s the Kellogg Middle School Marching Band.

“The parade is now presented by ‘82 Roses Community Enrichment Coalition’, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, and is funded by grants and sponsorships,” longtime organizer Nancy Chapin told East Portland News.

“Because of the diversity of those who live in this part of Portland, we’re proud that the 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade features many representatives of this diverse community,” Chapin said.

It’s the colorful Comparsa Orgollo Morelence Cemiac group, twirling and dancing their way along the parade group.

2024 Parade Sponsors

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757 ~ Ascension Catholic Church
Beneficial State Bank ~ East Portland Chamber of Commerce
Gary Small SAAB ~ KC Cars Inc.
Madison South Neighborhood Association
Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation
Marvin Smith Estate/Larry Smith ~ Meals on Wheels People
Metro ~ Portland Bureau of Transportation
Portland Rose Festival Association
Portland Rose Society ~ St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
TriMet ~ United Way ~ Washman
82nd Avenue Business Association

Again, it didn’t rain on their parade; the the first official event of the Rose Festival each year!

If you missed it this year, don’t next year. Already, the 82 Roses Community Enrichment Coalition is working on the 19th annual “82nd Avenue of Roses Parade”, set for Saturday, April 26, 2025. To learn more about their organization, see their website: CLICK HERE.

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