This family didn’t think they needed a professional arborist to cut down at tree at their house. Read about what happened next, that sent two men to the hospital‚
In an instant, a family tree-cutting party turns into a tragic event, as a limb pins two family members to the ground. After freeing them, Portland Fire & Rescue workers stabilize the two victims.
Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Because members of the homeowner’s family had successfully trimmed away the branches and smaller limbs, it seemed like the rest of the tree removal job would be a snap. Actually, it was louder than that, and more painful.
Two men were steadying a large branch, at the home in the 6400 block of SE 74th Avenue, about 7 p.m. on March 18. Then, “crack” ‚Äì loud enough to startle neighbors across the street‚ and the limb dropped on the two men below it.
After being strapped to a backboard, the most seriously injured man is stabilized with a neck brace.
Helping out when at the time of the accident is Vicente Aguilar. On scene, he tells us the branch “just fell off. It hit one of my brother-in-laws in the neck, and knocked down the other one.”
Praises fast emergency response
In less than five minutes, Aguilar says, the first fire truck pulls up to the house.
“The call came in as a ‘pin in’,” the navigator of Portland Fire & Rescue Engine 11 says, “but it was a ‘pin under’. We’re taking care of two people who look fairly seriously injured by the falling branch.”
Ready to be transported, the second victim is wheeled on a gurney toward an ambulance.
Due to new privacy laws, information on the condition of the injured men is not available to the press.
“Our firemen are nothing but the best,” says Aguilar. “We have the best rescue people in the whole world. They were professional. They know what to look for, and treated the guys the best. Please thank them.”
We certainly will pass on your praise to them, Mr. Aguilar.
© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service