Take a bite out of crime on August 7

See why you can forget about TV‚ and join in one of the many “National Night out against Crime” events‚ across East Portland on August 7‚

East Portland Crime Reduction Specialist Rosanne Lee and Wilkes Community Group Chair Ross Monn discuss plans for National Night Out, this year on August 7.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
It is time, once again, for “National Night out against Crime” (NNO) celebrations all across East Portland.

Held the first Tuesday of August, this year’s events do take place mostly on August 7. We say “mostly”, because some groups hold their events on the weekend before the “official” date.

NNO was created to heighten community awareness of crime and drug prevention; to generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs; to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and to send a message to crooks that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back against their criminal activity.

Why National Night Out is important
We ask Teri Poppino, one of two Crime Prevention Coordinators (along with her partner, Rosanne Lee) for East Portland, why “National Night out against Crime” is important.

“This is the time of year when neighbors can celebrate their community and neighborhoods,” Poppino begins. “Also, this event symbolizes community members taking a stand against crime‚ saying publicly that they, not criminals, are in charge of their block, their neighborhood, and their city.”

We ask Poppino how having a picnic or block party helps make a community safer.

“Neighbors who know one another tend to ‘look out’ for each other,” explains Poppino. “The act of getting together with your neighbors and meeting people you don’t know on your block indicates your commitment to community safety.”

Additionally, many of the larger gatherings feature visits by Portland Police Bureau officers, and crews from Portland Fire & Rescue. All registered events have public safety and crime prevention information packets available.

August 7‚ Outer East Portland National Night out against Crime Events

In addition to the following events, hosted by neighborhood organizations, many families are having their own smaller get-togethers. Food at these events is either free, or low-priced.

  • Wilkes / Russell Neighbors Picnic will be at Wilkes Park, NE 154th just south of Sandy Blvd., starting at 5:30 p.m.
  • Centennial Community Association & Harold Oliver SUN Schools’ Picnic will be at Harold Oliver Primary School, 15811 SE Main Street, starting at 5:30 PM.
  • Parkrose Heights Assoc. of Neighbors’ Picnic will be at Knott Park, NE 112th & NE Sacramento, starting at 5:30 p.m.
  • Argay Neighborhood Association’s Picnic is at Argay Park, NE 141st Avenue and Failing Street, running from 6:00‚ 8:30 p.m.
  • Lents Neighborhood Association’s “Ice Cream Social” is at Lents Park, SE 91st & Foster, starting at 6:00 p.m.
  • Mill Park Neighborhood Association is throwing a Block Party between SE 113 Ave. & 114th at SE Yamhill Street starting at 6:00 p.m.
  • Woodland Park Neighborhood Association is holding a Block Party in the yard and driveway at the home at 1737 NE 101st Avenue, starting at 6:00 p.m.
  • Madison South & Roseway Neighborhoods‚ For the first time ever, these two neighborhoods are getting together to sponsor their own National Night Out Against Crime. You’ll see your neighbors at Glenhaven Park at NE 82nd Avenue of Roses & NE Siskiyou Street, starting at 6:30 p.m. and running to 8:30 p.m.

“Whether you attend a small potluck dinner on your block, or a large neighborhood gathering,” says Poppino, “take this opportunity to join with neighbors across East Portland‚ and across the nation‚ to support crime prevention.”

Find your NNO Event here:
For our readers across the greater Portland area, click HERE to be taken to the Office of Neighborhood Involvement’s NNO web page. They have posted a complete listing of events in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service

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