Heron addict’s two-county crime spree slams to a stop in SE Portland

Read why Portland Police detectives believed the bandit who held up The Cash Store on SE Powell at 32nd Ave. had been a very, very bad boy – and how they caught him …

Far from his Hillsboro home, police say Adam G. Trainor’s crime career ended 70 blocks east of The Cash Store at SE Powell Blvd and 32nd Ave. he robbed at gunpoint.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
The slender-built man in is middle twenties got out of a green, Honda coupe, pulled the hood of a dark sweatshirt over his head, and strode into The Cash Store at 3234 SE Powell Blvd.

He’d come in for some fast cash on June 17, under the bright, early-afternoon sunlit sky ‚Äì but he wasn’t about to sign for a loan.

He flashed a gun; the clerk gave him money. As the robber hit the door, the clerk called 9-1-1, knowing this criminal transaction had been caught on video.

The report of the broad-daylight robber crackled across the police radio. The Honda was first spotted near SE 60th Powell. It sounded as if the alleged robber slid around a police roadblock. More squad cars joined in the pursuit.

“He stacked it up at 115 and Division,” was the excited call of an officer. We rounded the corner and spotted a half-dozen patrol cars with lights flashing. One of the patrol cars had come to rest on the side lawn of a home, blocking any escape for the green Honda stoped parallel to a back yard fence.

A real-life CSI officer from Portland Police gathers forensic evidence at The Cash Store at SE Powell Blvd. after the robbery police, who accuse him of being a “serial bandet”, say Adam G. Trainor,  robbed them on June 17.

Serial robber nabbed
Portland Police spokesman Det. Paul Dolbey confirmed that sequence of events, and also that Adam Gerard Trainor, 25, was arrested for allegedly sticking up The Cash Store using a gun.

“He didn’t give up without a fight,” Dolbey told us. “Trainor decided to fight with our officers. They used a Taser on him to take him into custody.”

Noting Trainor’s method of operation, Portland Police detectives saw similarities to recent gunpoint robberies in Washington County. A young man matching Trainor’s description allegedly previously held up a Subway shop and Hair Masters salon in Sherwood ‚Äì and Beaverton’s Honeycut & Company hair salon ‚Äì within the past weeks.

Sherwood Police Detective Dwight Onchi told us he traveled that evening to Portland’s Justice Center for an interview. “Trainor confessed to the Sherwood robberies. And, he admitted he needed money because he was a heroin addict.”

District Attorneys from both Multnomah and Washington Counties are expected to present the reports and statements to a grand jury for possible indictment.

¬© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News

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