CRIME STOPPERS: Look at this story‚ let’s see if we can find these gambling-machine busting thugs, and put them behind bars‚
As they stroll into the gaming room, authorities say, these guys don’t depend on luck ‚Äì they crowbar-open the machines, and steal the cash inside.
Story by David F. Ashton
Two guys have taken megabucks from lottery earnings‚ but it isn’t because they have stupendously good luck. Instead of relying on good fortune, they use a crowbar.
Check their brazen MO
During business hours, with customers and staff in the building, these two thieves walk into restaurants or bars, and take a seat at the lottery machines.
Then, they whip out a crowbar or some sort of prying tool, pry the machine open, and take the cash.
Customers have been sitting right next to the suspects unaware to the crime being committed. In less than two minutes, the bad guys pry the machines open and slip out with thousands of dollars.
Anyone you recognize? Call Crime Stoppers and turn ’em in!
Let’s put an end to their crime spree
Bill’s Steakhouse, 10227 NE Sandy Blvd, has also been hit twice — March 9 and March 20. The Tic Toc at SE 112 at Division St. was hit on March 12. Most recently, machines at the Firescape Bar at NE 90th Ave and Sandy Blvd. were busted open on March 21.
Suspect #1 is described as a white male, 30s, 5’9″ tall, 220 pounds, with brown hair, wearing long shorts, and tennis shoes with a reflective strip down the top of the shoes.
Suspect #2 is described as a white male, 20-30 years of age, 5’9″ tall and 200 pounds.
The suspects may be associated with a white 1992 Suzuki Samurai, with a possible Washington license plate of 788PHG.
Don’t let these crooks get away. Your anonymous tip could be worth $1,000.
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward of up to $1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony — and you can remain anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP (823-4357).
© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service