Although he had made statements that he wouldn’t surrender, the parole violator realized his picnic was over and gave up, after he saw he was surrounded by heavily-armed police ‚Ķ
The police had the media cordoned off a half-mile from the scene; at least, you can see the where the action was taking place … kinda …
Story and photo by David F. Ashton
A quiet, pleasant Saturday afternoon in Powellhurst-Gilbert was disrupted, as more and more police officers started filtering into the area of SE 138th Avenue south of SE Powell Boulevard on July 12.
It wasn’t long until members of the heavily armored SERT (Special Emergency Response Team) officers were also making their way to SE Rhone St. The total number of officers responding to the incident to topped out at 50.
Firefighters were asked respond to the area, but to turn off their sirens before they got close. Officials were planning a surprise for the guest at a backyard family barbecue.
The word, from police spokesman Sgt. Brian Schmautz, was that it all started because parole officers were on the trail of an alleged parole violator, 52-year-old Mario Martinez. They’d tracked him to the southeast Portland neighborhood.
Why the large-scale response? Reportedly, Martinez told California officials he wouldn’t surrender.
First, parole officers located Martinez’s car. Schmautz said it was discoverer parked outside a residence. From the home next door, parole officers got a peek, and saw him in the backyard, partying at a family picnic. “At that point, the parole officers called us,” Schmautz added.
When it became clear he was surrounded by police, Martinez gave up without incident, and was taken into custody.
We haven’t been able to learn whether or not Martinez’ relatives knew he was a parole fugitive. The reason he was wanted for alleged parole violation remains unclear.
What is clear is that police will extradite Martinez to California, according to Schmautz.
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News