By David F. Ashton
Bars and mini-mart workers must know it’s wrong to sell booze to kids. A quick look at the ID of a young-ish looking guy or gal isn’t that difficult. Yet, during Spring Break, getting a swig of hooch wasn’t a problem for several underage youth.
Some of these young people who got served were on a mission ‚Äì and, that mission wasn’t go get drunk. These kids were Portland Police Cadets. They were working with the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to identify employees of businesses who sell alcohol to minors.
Portland Police Cadets Ryan Mele and Ryan Brown aren’t ready to “throw down a cold frosty one” ‚Äì they’re working a mission to see who is selling booze to underage drinkers without checking their ID.
The mission included 100 randomly selected businesses located throughout the city.Of the 96 businesses that were open, employees in 28 of those businesses sold alcohol to minors. By the way, the Cadet’s never carry fake ID ‚Äì they present their real Oregon Driver’s License when ‚Äì or in some cases, if ‚Äì asked for it.
Serve up another round? Sadly, employees at this East Portland establishment didn’t check the ID of Spring Break party people Ryan Brown and Andrea Ettlin. They’re under age. And, they’re East Portland Police Cadets, working a mission to curb booze sales to under-age drinkers.
During their eight-hour spree, some establishment employees did not ask to see the Cadets’ identification, while others did not check the identification closely enough. These careless employees were cited for Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor, which is a Class A misdemeanor.
© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News