Vendors and buyers galore pack DDHS Bazaar

Shoppers looking for great Christmas gifts found great buys at this annual event. See the story of a family, at the bazaar, who sell gifts they make entirely within their own East Portland home …

Peggy Zeller sells her holiday decorations at the annual David Douglas Holiday Bazaar.

Story and photo by David F. Ashton
More than 100 tables of gifts filled David Douglas High School on December 2, as the 10th Annual PTSA Holiday Bazaar got underway.

One of the largest bazaars in outer East Portland, it featured local crafts, decoration, baked goods ‚Äì and a new section they called “100% DDHS”, showcasing the artistic talents of David Douglas Students.

Terri Jones sells professional, yet completely home-made, ceramic decorations at the DDHS Bazaar.

Crafty family business
One of the many 87 vendors we met was Terri Jones and her family.

“This is my first year here,” Jones said. “This craftwork lets me stay home with my son ‚Äì and still make some extra money.”

The business is a family affair. The entire production process is done right in their home. Instead of painting cheap, imported greenware, her husband, Wayne, casts every piece from liquid clay. “We have nearly 2,000 molds,” she says.

Artistic family Terri Jones with Nathan, and husband Wayne.

When it is ready, she paints and fires the ceramics. “My living room is our ‘paint station’ this time of year,” she added.

Look for Jones’ ceramics also at the Gresham Farmer’s Market, or contact them at

Fund raising while community building
We met up with Karin Britton, president of the DDHS PTSA and chair of the decade-old event.

“As important as the funds it brings in,” Britton told us, “it also helps draw the community together. It gives us an opportunity to share crafts, companionship.”

But, the fundraising component is important, she adds. “Our event helps raise money for scholarships for our graduating seniors. We also widen it to include the entire school. Our goal is to make this a broader project.”

If you missed it, why not mark your 2007 calendar right now? Just jot down DDHS Bazaar on the first Saturday in December!

¬© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News

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