Parkrose High choirs says goodbye to graduating seniors

The final concert of the year showed off the talents of four Parkrose High choirs. But see how it looked when all four choirs were joined by graduates from past years!

Take the Parkrose High Concert Choir, add the Treble Choir, the Debonaires, and A-Choir ‚Äì then ask choir program graduates from past years to join in on stage ‚Äì and you’ve got one mighty choir singing “River in Judea”!

Story and photo David F. Ashton
Parents, students and community members were treated to a 19-song concert at the Parkrose High School Theater.

Choir Director Lesley Ann Bossart (above) conducted the school’s four choirs as they sung tunes ranging from spirituals to classical music at the on June 6.

Near the end of the program, emotions ran high, as the school bade the departing seniors farewell.

¬© 2006 David F. Ashton ~ East PDX News

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