Merry musician makes music that tickles tots

If music truly is the “universal language” ‚Äì see how Rich Glauber uses delightful tunes to tempt tots to read at the library ‚Ķ

Using the magic of music to make friends with kids, Rich Glauber brings his program to Midland Library as part of the Summer Reading Program.

Story and photo by David F. Ashton
Musician Rich Glauber travels the globe as a performer. Recently, he has appeared in Costa Rica, Israel, and Spain.

So, what was this classically-trained musician doing, sitting on the floor, in Midland Library’s activity room on July 18?

“I’m doing my favorite thing,” Glauber told us, “sharing the wonder and delight of music with kids.”

Glauber used a wide variety of instruments to draw the kids into his stories and play along with him.

Early in the program, some parents acted concerned when their little ones started sitting closer and closer to the musician. “It’s OK, we’re all having fun today,” Glauber said as he started into his next song.

It wasn’t long until both children and parents fell under Glauber’s spell. Because he brought a large number of percussion instruments, soon, listeners became performers as he played and sang original songs. Even parents were caught up in, and began to sing along with the youngsters.

Glauber’s program, “Music in Action”, was a bilingual presentation, part of the library’s Summer Reading Program.

For more information about Glauber, see

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