‘Beach Blanket Bingo’ benefits Parkrose Bronco Boosters

Wait until you get a look at the kids in the Kissing Booth! Oh my! See why we had so much fun at this school event‚

The “Beach Blanket Bingo” fair is a festival near the end of school for the summer, at which student art is displayed and funds are raised for next year’s activities.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
It wasn’t long ago we were invited to attend a new event, sponsored by Parkrose Schools’ Bronco Boosters. Although the ocean is a long way off, the hosts chose the lively theme of “Beach Blanket Bingo” (a cultural reference most likely lost on the kids).

As we rounded the corner of the Parkrose High School courtyard, we heard a band rocking out, and saw lots of folks enjoying a casual, fun event. The smell of freshly-grilled hamburgers and hot dogs filled the air.

Decorating her rock, later placed in the Parkrose Community Peace Labyrinth is student Debbie Chao.

From games of skill and chance, such as the beanbag toss and a cakewalk, to a substantial exhibition of student artwork‚ there was plenty to see and do at this spring carnival.

Bronco Boosters Gail Volk and Allison Newman-Woods organized the fair at the high school to raise money.

“We put this on for several reasons,” explained Gail Volk. “One is to bring the community together. Plus, we’re focusing on the art our students have done this year. And, we’re doing some fundraising. We hope to raise $1,000.”

These funds, Volk said, are in addition to the beverage can drive the group holds the first Saturday of each month at Parkrose Middle School, the the income volunteers derive from operating their Coffee Cart at school games‚ “we work hard to raise money,” said Volk.

Emelie Robertson and Natasha Rose are selling T-shirts by the seashore‚ actually a booth‚ at the Beach Blanket Bingo event.

Christina Wolken and Peter Lundberg selling kisses to raise money. Pucker up!

Because of their successful fundraising, the Bronco Boosters have been able to donate more than in past years, added Allison Newman-Woods.

“We’ve supported MECHA, so this Latino student organization could hold their conference here this year; we also gave money to Tyree Harris so he could attend the Yale Leadership Conference; we’ve given money to our soccer and teen parent programs; we helped add to scholarships, too! We gave money to help the Parkrose High Thespians,” explained Newman-Woods.

We had so much fun this year, we wonder what the Broncos are planning for their carnival next year!

The band “Pompus Green [sic] rocks out at the fun fair with original music.

© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service

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