Gateway business group successfully mounts parade, fair

Did you miss the “Fun-O-Rama”? If you did, take a look and see how much fun they really had in Gateway‚

The Fun-O-Rama Parade approaches‚ what follows are bands, floats and lots of great family fun. Yes, that is Multnomah County Sheriff Bernie Giusto on the ATV!

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Outer East Portland’s second regional parade of the season of the season was a rousing success‚ according to viewers, participants and officials of the group that puts on the annual civic pride festival, the Gateway Area Business Association (GABA).

The streets were lined with spectators along NE Halsey St., from NE 130th Ave. west to 106th Ave. They heard marching bands, watched floats, saw Portland Rose Festival Princesses, snacked on candy handed out, laughed at clowns, ogled gals in bikinis and had a great time.

After the parade, the Community Fair at 111th Square kicked in, welcoming visitors to meet Gateway area business people, community service groups and nosh on a Portland Police Cadet dog.

Enjoy our photo album of the event:

Fred Sanchez James Luu, Student Body President Parkrose High School, his principal, Roy Reynolds; Barbara Rommel, Superintendent, David Douglas Schools; and Ellyn Ward, ASP President, David Douglas High School are on the reviewing stand.

Superintendent of Parkrose Schools, Michael Taylor, is the Grand Marshall of this Fun-O-Rama Parade.

The Parkrose Marching Band is one of the many marching musical groups.

East Portland’s Rose Festival Princesses ride in the parade. (top left and right) Margaret Drew, Parkrose High School; Chelsea Lynn, David Douglas High School; (bottom left and right) Hong Le, Marshall Campus; and Audra Shaw, Madison High School.

Blowing bubbles Evelyn Hull watching over Mark and Chloe.

Portland City Commissioner Sam Adams, rides the Fun-O-Rama Parade in “Big Country” style!

East County’s own Multnomah County Commissioner, Lonnie Roberts greets his fans.

The Rossi Posse is on the lookout for their “most wanted” man‚ Mike Taylor. And, they’re reminding folks about the good time to be had at their annual Barn Bash on July 14!

Gateway’s famous Keystone Kops tickle the crowd’s funny bone (and they didn’t break any of their own!) at the Fun-O-Rama Parade.

Steevie Weevie twists up balloons‚ and gets in a duel with Bryce Duncan at the Community Fair at 111th Square.

Portland Police Bureau East Precinct Cadets cook up, and serve, more than 400 gourmet hot dogs at the Community Fair.

Finally catching up with their “most wanted man”, the Parkrose Rossi Posse struggles against the Gateway Keystone Kops to take in Michael Taylor.

Adding beauty and grace to the Community Fair are the lovely ladies of the Portland Rose Festival Court.

Community associations, such as the East Portland Neighborhood Office are represented at the Community Fair. Arlene Kimura, chair of the Hazelwood Neighborhood, volunteers to inform folks about area associations.

Sarah Revel gets a bicycle safety helmet for her son, Marcel, with help of Portland Police Cadet Leanna Heasley.

David Panichello giving Fred Sanchez the GABA Citizen of the Year Award; standing with them are current Sanchez’s son and GABA president, Alan and wife Ann Sanchez. Fred told the people at the fair, “I thank our association, sponsors and neighborhood for supporting Gateway since 1950. I’ve not been a member that long. Thanks for honoring me. It means a lot. I appreciate it. Thank you Gateway board and members ‚Äì but most of all, thank you for supporting Gateway.”

Parkrose High School student Tyree Harris is awarded a $500 to help fund his participation in the Youth Leadership Program at Yale University by Portland City Commissioner Dan Saltzman and GABA President Alan Sanchez.

© 2007 David F. Ashton ~ East Portland News Service

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