GABA goes goofy in summertime sun

With fun – not business – on their minds, see Gateway business people having fun at an outdoor party featuring ‚Äì yes ‚Äì a hat contest ‚Ķ

Arlene Halverson of Sterling Savings Bank is checking in “Not your ordinary bean counter”, GABA member Kevin Minkoff, CPA.

Story and photos by David F. Ashton
Taking a break from the serious side of business, the Gateway Area Business Association hosted their “summer frolic” a few weeks ago.

The outdoor event, held at 111th Square on NE Halsey St., featured Mexican food, a hat contest, and an arm-wrestling championship.

Jon Turino, Farmer’s Insurance; Kevin Minkoff, CPA; Bill Gates, Parkrose United Methodist Church; Lee Powell, Farmer’s Insurance; and Jeralyn Morgan, Portland Rent-all/Party Place all show off their hats

Hat judges Fred Sanchez of Realty Brokers, Multnomah County Sheriff Bernie Guisto, Multnomah County Commissioner Lonnie Roberts, and Oregon State Representative Jeff Merkley all look over the contestants’ entries.

Grand prize sponsor, Craig Mendenhall of American Sani-Can congratulates winner Jeralyn Morgan (her second win, in as many years), with host Fred Sanchez.

The other “business” of the day included arm-wrestling competitions against David Hardy, personal trainer and owner of One-on-One Fitness at 111th Square.

No matter how hard Sheriff Bernie Guisto tried to beat him, David Hardy prevailed during the first contest of strength and skill.

In the second arm-wrestling match-up, Ann Sanchez of Realty Brokers took a surprise win against muscle-man Hardy. We asked Hardy if he “took a dive” ‚Äì but he wasn’t talking ‚Ķ

All in all, the group had a great time. Come meet these folks at the next GABA meeting on September 14 at JJ North’s, 10520 NE Halsey St. Reservations are not needed. For more information, see

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