Chamber member scores a $75,000‚ Computer Makeover‚ for fellow member

Can you find Tom Rich, of Mt. Hood Computer Services in this photo? He’s‚ the guy three from the right side with the ear-to-ear grin. Judith Huck, president of Classique Floors (far right) is smiling, too! Her business is getting a $75,000 computer makeover, thanks to Rich.


By David F. Ashton – April 1, 2006


The reception was so bad on my cell phone, I wasn‚t sure what they were saying, is how Tom Rich, Mt. Hood Computer Services put it, telling us how he found out his application for a Computer Makeover was the grand prize winner.


I’d heard about the Computer Makeover system, and filled out the application, Rich continued.,Classique Floors is a unique, family-owned business, now in its second generation. They seemed perfect for this promotion.


We were able to keep the award a secret from Judith Huck, Classique Floors‚ owner. I got her to sign a release by telling her that she was on the “short list” for the prize, but the winner hadn’t been selected yet. I also made an appointment with her for a meeting with a‚regional manager, from Microsoft to‚ ask a few questions‚. In actual fact I was setting up a surprise presentation‚


We asked Huck if she was floored by winning the grand prize. She asked us of we were really going to make that pun in print.‚Yes, surprised, and very pleased, Huck said.


The award is valued at $75,000.00 and includes computer hardware, software and services. Classique Floors will become the subject of a case study of how the new equipment and software has helped the business.


Classique Floors will get a whole new computer system, and state-of-the-art Customer Relationship Management software. In addition, the field estimators will get new‚ tablet PCs, for inputting information into the system.


Both Rich and Huck are members of the East Portland Chamber of Commerce. You can find information on them, and their companies, by going to Or, click on Classique Floor,  banner on this site.

2006 David F. Ashton‚ East PDX News

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